Type K Thermocouple Signal Conditioner with ±350V Protection from Accidental Contact and Cold Juncti
A high input impedance amplifier permits the use of large valued input resistors and retains signal accuracy. This is very useful for protecting both the amplifier and cold junction compensator in thermocouple applications as the sense element can often be inadvertently connected to destructive voltage potentials. The 1MΩ resistors protect the circuit up to ±350V with no phase reversal to amplifier output. The 1pA maximum IBIAS of the LTC6081 translates to a miniscule 0.05°C temperature error with the 1MΩ input protection resistor. The ±90μV offset over the entire operating temperature range ensures a less than 2°C temperature offset. The LTC6081 is a high performance dual op amps combining excellent noise, offset drift, CMRR, PSRR and input bias current specifications. They perform in a variety of topologies without compromising performance. LTC6081 is available in 8-lead MSOP and 10-lead DFN packages.
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LT3094: 在 1MHz 具 0.8μVRMS 噪声的负 LDO
LT3094 是一款高性能低压差负线性稳压器,其具有 ADI 的超低噪声和超高 PSRR 架构,适合为噪声敏感型应用供电。该器件可通过并联以增加输出电流和在 PCB 上散播热量。
LTM8002:高效率、超低 EMI 降压型电源 μModule
LTM8002 是一款 40VIN、2.5A 降压型μModule® 稳压器。它内置了开关控制器、电源开关、电感器和所有的支持性组件。该器件支持 3.4V 至 40V 的输入电压范围,和 0.97V 至 18V 的输出电压。
具电源系统管理功能的超薄型 μModule 稳压器
LTM4686 是一款双通道 10A 或单通道 20A 超薄型降压 μModule 稳压器。该器件1.82mm 的高度使之可放置到非常靠近负载 (FPGA 或 ASIC) 的地方,从而共用一个散热器。其 PMBus 接口使用户能改变主要的电源参数。