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经纬恒润的卷积神经网络 (CNN)解决方案利用 InnovizOne 激光雷达技术提高港口运营效率潜力与安全
以色列特拉维夫及中国北京2022年9月6日 /美通社/ -- 高性能汽车级LiDAR (激光雷达)传感器与感知软件领导供应商Innoviz Technologies(NASDAQ: INVZ)以及该公司战略伙伴中国汽车市场顶尖解决方案供货商北京经纬恒润(HiRain Technologies)今日宣布在中国各港口部署InnovizOne 激光雷达传感器,包括部署在HiRain的自动驾驶卡车与无人搬运车(AGV)。第一波部署将从山东日照港开始,双方将计划拓展至更多港口。
Innoviz’s automotive-grade InnovizOne LiDAR, paired with Hirain’s Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) solution and LiDAR integration system.
运用 InnovizOne LiDAR以及 恒润的卷积神经网络 (CNN)打造的组合解决方案现已在中国多个港口部署,包括自动驾驶卡车以及无人搬运车和各种车联网(V2X)应用,用来改进运营效率、降低风险、以及增进员工安全。Innoviz与恒润的传感系统可靠耐用,探测车辆、行人、以及港口常见的其他基础设施及其精确位置、距离和尺寸。恒润的完全集成式系统还包含LiDAR 保护、热幅射管理、吸震、降噪、防尘与清洁等机制。
此外,恒润已运用InnovizOne 激光雷达部署自己的路侧V2X解决方案。这款五合一传感系统能从高空鸟瞰视角监视车流、搜集环境数据,实时传送到高性能计算机,由该计算机将数据广播至所有周围的卡车,藉以规避碰撞。
Innoviz联合创始人暨CEO Omer Keilaf表示,由于员工短缺加上中国与全球各地港口拥堵问题日益严重,致使全球供应链危机更加恶化。在这个特殊时机运用InnovizOne LiDAR 部署恒润的自动驾驶车与V2X车联网系统,不仅将大幅提升效率,还能促成每天24小时/每周7天持续不间断营运的能力。
Innoviz 与经纬恒润 从2018年便开始合作,恒润计划将Innoviz的新一代激光雷达传感器InnovizTwo集成到公司的多个智驾平台,让港口运营更加安全且有效率。
经纬恒润首席技术官兼副总经理范成建博士(Chengjian Fan)表示,激光雷达是当前最关键的科技之一,在未来发展将扮演极重要的角色,不光是在自动驾驶,还包括各种必须相互通信的基础设施。我们非常高兴和Innoviz的团队一起合力将这些产品推向市场,并期盼利用Innoviz的解决方案开发更多产品。
经纬恒润成立于2003年,专注于为汽车、无人运输等领域的客户提供电子产品、研发服务和高级别智能驾驶整体解决方案。总部位于北京,并在天津、南通建立了现代化的生产工厂,形成了完善的研发、生产、营销、服务体系。本着"价值创新、服务客户"的理念,公司坚持 "专业聚焦"、"技术领先"和"平台化发展"的战略,致力于成为国际一流综合型的电子系统科技服务商、智能网联汽车全栈式解决方案供应商和高级别智能驾驶MaaS解决方案领导者。更多信息请访问
关于 Innoviz Technologies
Innoviz 为车规级激光雷达技术的全球领导者,致力于在全球道路上打造安全的自动驾驶汽车未来。 Innoviz 的激光雷达和感知软件比人类驾驶员"看得更清楚"并减少出错可能,满足汽车行业对性能和安全性的最严格期望。Innoviz 在美国、欧洲和亚洲拓展业务,并已被国际知名的顶级汽车品牌选用于其乘用车自动驾驶系统,同时获其他商业和工业领导者采用于广泛的应用。更多信息请访问
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Maya Lustig
Innoviz Technologies
+972 54 677 8100
Forward Looking Statements
This announcement contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding the services offered by Innoviz, the anticipated technological capability of Innoviz's products, the markets in which Innoviz operates and Innoviz's projected future results. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "project," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this announcement, including but not limited to, the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations, the ability to identify and realize additional opportunities, and potential changes and developments in the highly competitive LiDAR technology and related industries. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in Innoviz's annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on April 21, 2021, and other documents filed by Innoviz from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Innoviz assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Innoviz gives no assurance that it will achieve its expectations.