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ISL62882是用于IMVP-6.5移动CPU和GPU的多相PWM稳压器,具有可编程的1相或2相CPU模式或1相GPU模式运作,精密的多相核电压调整,系统对温度的精度为0.5%,具有增强的负载线精度,7位VID输入,1-1.500V,增量12.5mV,主要应用在笔记本电脑的处理核电压稳压和GPU电压稳压.本文介绍了ISL62882的主要特性, 采用DCR和电阻检测的GPU应用电路, 1相GPU应用参考设计电路和相应的材料清单, 2相GPU应用参考设计电路和相应的材料清单,以及ISL62882EVAL2Z评估板的电路图和材料清单.

Multiphase PWM Regulator for IMVP-6.5™ Mobile CPUs and GPUs

The ISL62882 is a multiphase PWM buck regulator for miroprocessor or graphics processor core power supply. The multiphase buck converter uses interleaved phases to reduce the total output voltage ripple with each phase carrying a portion of the total load current, providing better system performance, superior thermal management, lower component cost, reduced power dissipation, and smaller implementation area. The ISL62882 uses two integrated gate drivers to provide a complete solution. The PWM modulator is based on Intersils Robust Ripple Regulator (R3) technology™. Compared with traditional modulators, the R3™ modulator commands variable switching frequency during load transients, achieving faster transient response. With the same modulator, the switching frequency is reduced at light load, increasing the regulator efficiency.

The ISL62882 can be configured as CPU or graphics Vcore controller and is fully compliant with IMVP-6.5™ specifications. It responds to PSI# and DPRSLPVR signals by adding or dropping Phase 2, adjusting overcurrent protection threshold accordingly, and entering/exiting diode emulation mode. It reports the regulator output current through the IMON pin. It senses the current by using either discrete resistor or inductor DCR whose variation over temperature can be thermally compensated by a single NTC thermistor. It uses differential remote voltage sensing to accurately regulate the processor die voltage. The unique split LGATE function further increases light load efficiency. The adaptive body diode conduction time reduction function minimizes the body diode conduction loss in diode emulation mode. User-selectable overshoot reduction function offers an option to aggressively reduce the output capacitors as well as the option to disable it for users concerned about increased system thermal stress. The ISL62882 offers the FB2 function to optimize 1-phase performance.

The ISL62882A is the same as ISL62882 with the only exception of not having the split LGATE1 function. The ISL62882B has the same functions as the ISL62882, but comes in a different package.


• Programmable 1- or 2-Phase CPU Mode Operation or 1-Phase GPU Mode Operation

• Precision Multiphase Core Voltage Regulation

- 0.5% System Accuracy Over-Temperature

- Enhanced Load Line Accuracy

• Microprocessor Voltage Identification Input

- 7-Bit VID Input, 0V to 1.500V in 12.5mV Steps

- Supports VID Changes On-The-Fly

• Supports Multiple Current Sensing Methods

- Lossless Inductor DCR Current Sensing

- Precision Resistor Current Sensing

• Supports PSI# and DPRSLPVR modes

• Superior Noise Immunity and Transient Response

• Current Monitor and Thermal Monitor

• Differential Remote Voltage Sensing

• High Efficiency Across Entire Load Range

• Programmable 1- or 2-Phase Operation

• Two Integrated Gate Drivers

• Excellent Dynamic Current Balance Between Phases

• Split LGATE1 Drivers Increases Light Load Efficiency

• FB2 Function Optimizes 1-Phase Mode Performance

• Adaptive Body Diode Conduction Time Reduction

• User-selectable Overshoot Reduction Function

• Small Footprint 40 Ld 5x5 or 48 Ld 6x6 TQFN Packages

• Pb-Free (RoHS Compliant)


• Notebook Core Voltage Regulator

• Notebook GPU Voltage Regulator

图1.采用DCR检测的ISL62882 GPU应用电路

图2.采用电阻检测的ISL62882 GPU应用电路






The ISL62882EVAL2Z evaluation board demonstrates the performance of the ISL62882 multiphase synchronous-buck PWM VCORE controller implementing Intel IMVP-6.5 protocol. The ISL62882 features Intersils Robust Ripple Regulator (R3) technology. An on-board dynamic-load generator is included for evaluating the transient-load response. It applies a 300μs pulse of approximately 25mΩ load across VO and PGND

ISL62882EVAL2Z Schematic







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