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[导读] 一直有一个想法就是用 C++ 去做 STM32 的开发,但是很少有这方面的资料。经过一段时间的思考,决定在官方的 ll 库的基础上做一层 C++ 的简单封装。因为官方的库基本实现了全系列的 MCU 都是相同的 API

一直有一个想法就是用 C++ 去做 STM32 的开发,但是很少有这方面的资料。经过一段时间的思考,决定在官方的 ll 库的基础上做一层 C++ 的简单封装。因为官方的库基本实现了全系列的 MCU 都是相同的 API 接口,所以 C++ 封装后的库也有很好的移植性。原理性的东西就不讲理了,直接上代码。

stm32f4xx_xgpio.h 文件



* file stm32f4xx_xgpio.h

* author XinLi

* version v1.0

* date 20-March-2018

* brief Header file for general purpose I/O module.


* attention



Copyright © 2018 XinLi


* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

* (at your option) any later version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


* GNU General Public License for more details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

* along with this program. If not, see .




#ifndef STM32F4XX_XGPIO_H

#define STM32F4XX_XGPIO_H


#include "stm32f4xx_ll_gpio.h"

/*! General purpose I/O module. */

class XGpio



/*! Enumerate GPIO ports. */

enum GpioPort


PortA = (uint32_t)GPIOA, /*!< GPIO port A. */

PortB = (uint32_t)GPIOB, /*!< GPIO port B. */

PortC = (uint32_t)GPIOC, /*!< GPIO port C. */

#ifdef GPIOD

PortD = (uint32_t)GPIOD, /*!< GPIO port D. */

#endif // GPIOD

#ifdef GPIOE

PortE = (uint32_t)GPIOE, /*!< GPIO port E. */

#endif // GPIOE

#ifdef GPIOF

PortF = (uint32_t)GPIOF, /*!< GPIO port F. */

#endif // GPIOF

#ifdef GPIOG

PortG = (uint32_t)GPIOG, /*!< GPIO port G. */

#endif // GPIOG

#ifdef GPIOH

PortH = (uint32_t)GPIOH, /*!< GPIO port H. */

#endif // GPIOH

#ifdef GPIOI

PortI = (uint32_t)GPIOI, /*!< GPIO port I. */

#endif // GPIOI

#ifdef GPIOJ

PortJ = (uint32_t)GPIOJ, /*!< GPIO port J. */

#endif // GPIOJ

#ifdef GPIOK

PortK = (uint32_t)GPIOK, /*!< GPIO port K. */

#endif // GPIOK


/*! Enumeration of GPIO pins. */

enum GpioPin


Pin0 = LL_GPIO_PIN_0, /*!< GPIO pin 0. */

Pin1 = LL_GPIO_PIN_1, /*!< GPIO pin 1. */

Pin2 = LL_GPIO_PIN_2, /*!< GPIO pin 2. */

Pin3 = LL_GPIO_PIN_3, /*!< GPIO pin 3. */

Pin4 = LL_GPIO_PIN_4, /*!< GPIO pin 4. */

Pin5 = LL_GPIO_PIN_5, /*!< GPIO pin 5. */

Pin6 = LL_GPIO_PIN_6, /*!< GPIO pin 6. */

Pin7 = LL_GPIO_PIN_7, /*!< GPIO pin 7. */

Pin8 = LL_GPIO_PIN_8, /*!< GPIO pin 8. */

Pin9 = LL_GPIO_PIN_9, /*!< GPIO pin 9. */

Pin10 = LL_GPIO_PIN_10, /*!< GPIO pin 10. */

Pin11 = LL_GPIO_PIN_11, /*!< GPIO pin 11. */

Pin12 = LL_GPIO_PIN_12, /*!< GPIO pin 12. */

Pin13 = LL_GPIO_PIN_13, /*!< GPIO pin 13. */

Pin14 = LL_GPIO_PIN_14, /*!< GPIO pin 14. */

Pin15 = LL_GPIO_PIN_15, /*!< GPIO pin 15. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO modes. */

enum GpioMode


ModeInput = LL_GPIO_MODE_INPUT, /*!< GPIO input mode. */

ModeOutput = LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, /*!< GPIO output mode. */

ModeAlternate = LL_GPIO_MODE_ALTERNATE, /*!< GPIO alternate function mode. */

ModeAnalog = LL_GPIO_MODE_ANALOG, /*!< GPIO analog mode. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO output types. */

enum GpioOutput


OutputPushPull = LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, /*!< GPIO push-pull output. */

OutputOpenDrain = LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, /*!< GPIO open-drain output. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO output speeds. */

enum GpioSpeed


SpeedLow = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW, /*!< GPIO low output speed. */

SpeedMedium = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_MEDIUM, /*!< GPIO medium output speed. */

SpeedHigh = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, /*!< GPIO high output speed. */

SpeedVeryHigh = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH, /*!< GPIO very high output speed. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO pull-up/pull-down. */

enum GpioPull


PullNo = LL_GPIO_PULL_NO, /*!< GPIO no pull. */

PullUp = LL_GPIO_PULL_UP, /*!< GPIO pull-up. */

PullDown = LL_GPIO_PULL_DOWN, /*!< GPIO pull-down. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO alternate functions. */

enum GpioAlternate


Alternate0 = LL_GPIO_AF_0, /*!< GPIO alternate function 0. */

Alternate1 = LL_GPIO_AF_1, /*!< GPIO alternate function 1. */

Alternate2 = LL_GPIO_AF_2, /*!< GPIO alternate function 2. */

Alternate3 = LL_GPIO_AF_3, /*!< GPIO alternate function 3. */

Alternate4 = LL_GPIO_AF_4, /*!< GPIO alternate function 4. */

Alternate5 = LL_GPIO_AF_5, /*!< GPIO alternate function 5. */

Alternate6 = LL_GPIO_AF_6, /*!< GPIO alternate function 6. */

Alternate7 = LL_GPIO_AF_7, /*!< GPIO alternate function 7. */

Alternate8 = LL_GPIO_AF_8, /*!< GPIO alternate function 8. */

Alternate9 = LL_GPIO_AF_9, /*!< GPIO alternate function 9. */

Alternate10 = LL_GPIO_AF_10, /*!< GPIO alternate function 10. */

Alternate11 = LL_GPIO_AF_11, /*!< GPIO alternate function 11. */

Alternate12 = LL_GPIO_AF_12, /*!< GPIO alternate function 12. */

Alternate13 = LL_GPIO_AF_13, /*!< GPIO alternate function 13. */

Alternate14 = LL_GPIO_AF_14, /*!< GPIO alternate function 14. */

Alternate15 = LL_GPIO_AF_15, /*!< GPIO alternate function 15. */


/*! Enumeration of GPIO levels. */

enum GpioLevel


LevelLow = 0, /*!< GPIO low level. */

LevelHigh = 1, /*!< GPIO high level. */


XGpio(GpioPort port, GpioPin pin, GpioMode mode = ModeInput);

virtual ~XGpio();

void setPort(GpioPort port);

GpioPort getPort() const;

void setPin(GpioPin pin);

GpioPin getPin() const;

void setMode(GpioMode mode);

GpioMode getMode() const;

void setOutput(GpioOutput output);

GpioOutput getOutput() const;

void setSpeed(GpioSpeed speed);

GpioSpeed getSpeed() const;

void setPull(GpioPull pull);

GpioPull getPull() const;

void setAlternate(GpioAlternate alternate);

GpioAlternate getAlternate() const;

void setLevel(GpioLevel level);

GpioLevel getLevel();

void toggle();

bool open();

void close();

bool isOpen() const;


GpioPort port;

GpioPin pin;

GpioMode mode;

GpioOutput output;

GpioSpeed speed;

GpioPull pull;


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