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[导读]本文介绍了MFRC530主要特性,方框图, 接收器电路框图, 定时器模块框图,以及与微处理器的连接框图和典型应用电路图.NXP公司的MFRC530支持ISO14443A通信方案所有层面的高度集成的13.56MHz无接触通信的读卡器IC,它采用杰

本文介绍了MFRC530主要特性,方框图, 接收器电路框图, 定时器模块框图,以及与微处理器的连接框图和典型应用电路图.NXP公司的MFRC530支持ISO14443A通信方案所有层面的高度集成的13.56MHz无接触通信的读卡器IC,它采用杰出的调制和解调技术,内部的发送器能驱动接近100毫米距离的天线,接收器则能有效地实现对来自ISO14443A兼容的转发器信号进行解调,数据速率高达424k波特.

The MF RC530 supports all layers of the ISO14443A communication scheme.

The MF RC530 supports contactless communication using MIFARE® Higher Baudrates.

The internal transmitter part is able to drive an antenna designed for proximity operating distance (up to 100 mm) directly without additional active circuitry.

The receiver part provides a robust and efficient implementation of a demodulation and decoding circuitry for signals from ISO14443A compatible transponders.

The digital part handles the complete ISO14443A framing and error detection (Parity & CRC). Additionally it supports the fast MIFARE® Classic security algorithm to authenticate MIFARE Classic (e.g. MIFARE® Standard, MIFARE® Light) products.

A comfortable parallel interface, which can be directly connected to any 8-bit μ-Processor gives high flexibility for the reader/terminal design. Additionally a SPI compatible interface is supported.

MF RC530主要特性:

• Highly integrated analog circuitry to demodulate and decode card response

• Buffered output drivers to connect an antenna with minimum number of external components

• Proximity operating distance (up to 100 mm)

• Supports ISO 14443A

• Supports MIFARE® Dual Interface Card ICs and supports MIFARE® Classic protocol

• Supports contactless communication with higher baudrates up to 424kbaud

• Crypto1 and secure non-volatile internal key memory

• Pin-compatible to the MF RC500, MF RC531, SL RC400 and CL RC632

• Parallel μ-Processor interface with internal address latch and IRQ line

• SPI compatible interface

• Flexible interrupt handling

• Automatic detection of parallel μ-Processor interface type

• Comfortable 64 byte send and receive FIFO-buffer

• Hard reset with low power function

• Power down mode per software

• Programmable timer

• Unique serial number

• User programmable start-up configuration

• Bit- and byte-oriented framing

• Independent power supply pins for digital, analog and transmitter part

• Internal oscillator buffer to connect 13.56 MHz quartz, optimised for low phase jitter

• Clock frequency filtering

• 3.3 V to 5 V operation for transmitter (antenna driver) in short range and proximity applications

• 3.3 V or 5V operation for the digital part

图1.MF RC530方框图

图2.MF RC530接收器电路框图

图3.MF RC530定时器模块框图

图4.MF RC530带共同读/写选通的与微处理器的连接框图

图5.MF RC530单独读/写选通的与微处理器的连接框图

图6.MF RC530带直接匹配天线的应用电路图
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