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[导读]- 观众和参展商的当前情绪状况 - 新工作模式和沟通途径的开辟 德国纽伦堡

- 观众和参展商的当前情绪状况

- 新工作模式和沟通途径的开辟

德国纽伦堡2020年6月22日 /美通社/ -- 每年在纽伦堡玩具展上,大约有65,000名专业买家和贸易商与2,800家制造商会面。为了了解他们如何应对新冠肺炎全球大流行及其后果,作为行业领头展会组织者的Spielwarenmesse eG对其观众和参展者进行了一次代表性调查。来自42个国家的1,810名专业观众和来自48个国家的548家企业参加了这项在春季开展的调查。

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.




“调查结果反映了玩具行业当前的情绪状况。这次危机对贸易和制造业来说都是一个巨大的挑战,但同时也加速了新的前瞻性措施的实施。”Spielwarenmesse eG首席执行官恩斯特·奇克(Ernst Kick)分析道。 


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22.6.2020 – sw

Spielwarenmesse eG

Spielwarenmesse eG是一家在玩具行业内和其他消费品市场的展览主办方及营销服务供应商。主办全球领先的纽伦堡玩具展Spielwarenmesse®,在孟买举办的印度玩具和婴幼儿用品展Kids India,以及在纽伦堡举办的纽伦堡文具用品展Insights-X。公司提供的服务还包括行业活动和国际展会活动,Spielwarenmesse eG组织的World of Toys展团使得展商可以在亚洲和俄罗斯贸易展会上展示他们的产品。纽伦堡玩具展览公司的全球代表网络遍布全球90多个国家。集团旗下还有数个子公司,其中包括主要负责中国市场的施贝华上海有限公司,主要负责印度市场的Spielwarenmesse India Pvt. Ltd.。公司持有俄罗斯展览公司Grand Expo的多数股权,该展览公司在莫斯科举办Kids Russia。其下属子公司的Die roten Reiter GmbH有限公司可为消费品和实体行业提供市场沟通和推广服务。登录www.spielwarenmesse-eg.com ,查看纽伦堡玩具展览集团完整的公司简介。

 Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.


 Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.


 Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.



 Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.

Spielwarenmesse eG has conducted a survey among visitors and exhibitors who attend the annual Spielwarenmesse on how they are dealing with the global crisis. The creation of innovative working models and new communication channels are just two of the significant findings.




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