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[导读]高端IT就业培训专家-15年口碑积累,20万名研发工程师从这里走出          疫情肆虐,假期漫漫。3个月的时间我们没有成为“葛优躺”中的一员,放弃了充裕的休息时间,在年初就开始着手研究线上学习模式,目的就在于疫情期间为大家带来专业且丰富的IT知识,我们



         It's been a long time  since the outbreak,we have made the hard time through,and we do not surrender to the COVID-19.with sacrificing our holiday, we tried our best to deploy our Online Studying Mode since January We are going to make you a better contributor to the country rather than just staying at home.And in order to achieve our common goal,we will provide our best and professional IT knowledge for you to select during this time. 


        The embedded system is already showing the valuable part to this world: delivery robot、sterllization、UAV monitor、Sterilization and Antivirus、Infrared Temperature、Measurement、AI analysis of viral genes.This system do the best to avoid contacting with infections,and improve the effiency to protect and cure our citizens,The government of China also support development of embedded system very well and hoping we can make a contribution to this hard fight by artificial intelligence.Our government try to focus on a set of equipment that can do Assisted diagnosis、Quick test and Intelligent equipment that based on embedded system.We will finally get through this difficulty and the economy will move into a full recovery phase Internet of Things、5G、smart device、Embedded deviceare still the most that needed by this country.  


       Our public welfare courses are still continued during June,We are still cooperate with other colleges and universties.We have more educator teams in support of lessons.In the mean time,we combined our online and offline lessons,keep communicating with our students,in order to improve our quality of education.We do not deny that knowledge will be recognized only when it's needed.



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