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[导读] TI公司的TIDA-01425是基于DRA710信息娱乐应用处理器的带以太网和CAN的汽车网关参考设计,具有100BASE-T1汽车以太网,100BASE-TX和CAN PHYs,可以通过冷启动

TI公司的TIDA-01425是基于DRA710信息娱乐应用处理器的带以太网和CAN的汽车网关参考设计,具有100BASE-T1汽车以太网,100BASE-TX和CAN PHYs,可以通过冷启动,抢跑和甩负荷等方式工作,降低EMI功率级和电池接反保护,能增加带宽和网关的处理能力,主要用在应用处理器模块,汽车网关,构建设备控制单元,自由空间传感器,铁路运输马达控制以及车辆乘员检测传感器.本文介绍了DRA710信息娱乐应用处理器主要特性和框图,汽车网关参考设计TIDA-01425主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和 PCB设计图.

The DRA71x processor is offered in a 538-ball, 17&TImes;17-mm, 0.65-mm ball pitch (0.8mm spacing rules canbe used on signals) with Via Channel™ Array (VCA) technology, ball grid array (BGA) package.The architecture is designed to deliver high-performance concurrencies for automotive applications in acost-effective solution, providing full scalability from the DRA75x ("Jacinto 6 EP" and "Jacinto 6 Ex"),DRA74x "Jacinto 6" and DRA72x "Jacinto 6 Eco" family of infotainment processors, including graphics,voice, HMI, multimedia and smartphone projection mode capabilities.

Programmability is provided by a single-core ARM Cortex-A15 RISC CPU with Neon™ extensions and aTI C66x VLIW floating-point DSP core. The ARM processor lets developers keep control functionsseparate from other algorithms programmed on the DSP and coprocessors, thus reducing the complexityof the system software.

Additionally, TI provides a complete set of development tools for the ARM, and DSP, including Ccompilers and a debugging interface for visibility into source code execution.The DRA71x Jacinto 6 Entry processor family is qualified according to the AEC-Q100 standard.The device features a simplified power supply rail mapping which enables lower cost PMIC solutions.


• Architecture Designed for InfotainmentApplications
• Video, Image, and Graphics Processing Support
– Full-HD Video (1920 × 1080p, 60 fps)
– Multiple Video Input and Video Output
– 2D and 3D Graphics
• ARM® Cortex®-A15 Microprocessor Subsystem
• C66x Floating-Point VLIW DSP
– Fully Object-Code Compatible With C67x andC64x+
– Up to Thirty-two 16 × 16-Bit Fixed-PointMultiplies per Cycle
• Up to 512KB of On-Chip L3 RAM
• Level 3 (L3) and Level 4 (L4) Interconnects
• DDR3/DDR3L Memory Interface (EMIF) Module
– Supports up to DDR-1333 (667 MHz)
– Up to 2GB Across Single Chip Select
• Dual ARM® Cortex®-M4 Image Processing Units(IPU)
• IVA-HD Subsystem
• Display Subsystem
– Display Controller With DMA Engine and up toThree Pipelines
– HDMI™ Encoder: HDMI 1.4a and DVI 1.0Compliant
• 2D-Graphics Accelerator (BB2D) Subsystem
– Vivante™ GC320 Core
• Video Processing Engine (VPE)
• Single-Core PowerVR® SGX544 3D GPU
• One Video Input Port (VIP) Module
– Support for up to Four Multiplexed Input Ports
• General-Purpose Memory Controller (GPMC)
• Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA)Controller
• 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet (GMAC)
– Up to Two External Ports
• Sixteen 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
• 32-Bit MPU Watchdog Timer
• Six High-Speed Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Ports
• HDQ™/1-Wire® Interface
• Ten Configurable UART/IrDA/CIR Modules
• Four Multichannel Serial Peripheral Interfaces(McSPI)
• Quad SPI Interface (QSPI)
• Media Local Bus Subsystem (MLBSS)
• Eight Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP)Modules
• SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Dual-Role Device
• High-Speed USB 2.0 Dual-Role Device
• High-Speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go
• Four MultiMedia Card/Secure Digital/Secure DigitalInput Output Interfaces (MMC/SD/SDIO)
• PCI Express® 3.0 Subsystems With Two 5-GbpsLanes
– One 2-lane Gen2-Compliant Port
– or Two 1-lane Gen2-Compliant Ports
• Dual Controller Area Network (DCAN) Modules
– CAN 2.0B Protocol
• MIPI® CSI-2 Camera Serial Interface
• Up to 186 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Pins
• Power, Reset, and Clock Management
• On-Chip Debug With CTools Technology
• 28-nm CMOS Technology
• 17 mm × 17 mm, 0.65-mm Pitch, 538-Pin BGA(CBD)


• Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
• Navigation
• Digital and Analog Radio
• Multimedia Playback
• Automotive Display Audio Systems
• Automotive Entry Navigation and MultimediaSystems
• Automotive Digital Cluster Systems



The TIDA-01425 is a subsystem reference design for automotive gateways focused on increasing bandwidth and processing power in gateway applications. The design implements Ethernet physical layer transceivers (PHYs) for increased bandwidth along with an automotive processor for greater processing capabilities allowing automotive gateways to pass more data at higher speeds. Furthermore, the design offers a starting point for a full automotive gateway design with a full power tree, CAN PHYs, and components selected with automotive requirements and emission specifications in mind to simplify the design process.

The TIDA-01425 is a reference design for automotive gateways focused on increasing bandwidth andprocessing power in gateway applications. The design implements Ethernet PHYs for increased bandwidthalong with an automotive processor for greater processing capabilities. Furthermore, the design offers anexcellent starting point for a full automotive gateway design. All components were selected based onautomotive requirements and emission specifications in mind. The TIDA-01425 implements four total PHYs: two ethernet PHYs and two controller area network (CAN) PHYs. A 100BASE-T1 PHY allows forEthernet communication over a single twisted-pair cable, which lowers the wiring weight within the vehiclewhile also boosting overall bandwidth (100 Mb/s). Along with the single 100BASE-T1 PHY, a 100BASE-TXPHY is utilized to allow for diagnostic readings from the various electronic systems of a vehicle. In additionto the Ethernet PHYs, two CAN PHYs allow for communication to CAN buses within the automobile.

Finally, the automotive processor allows for faster processing speeds to keep up with the increasedbandwidth and also offers software scalability. Furthermore, through software, the processor can improveoverall vehicle security.


Processor based system
100BASE-T1 automotive ethernet
Operates off automotive battery
Designed to operate through cold crank, jump start, and load dump
Reduced EMI power stages
Reverse battery protection


Applications Processor Module
Automotive Gateway
Control Units for Construction Equipment
Free Space Sensor
Motor Control for Rail Transport
Vehicle Occupant Detection Sensor














图15.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(1)

图16.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(2)

图17.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(3)

图18.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(4)

图19.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(5)

图20.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(6)

图21.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(7)

图22.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(8)

图23.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(9)

图24.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(10)

图25.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(11)

图26.参考设计TIDA-01425 PCB设计图(12)

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