对此美国企业家James Early表示,收购前景表面看起来很不错,但眼球经济与甲骨文急于发展的电子商务是否可关联尚不清楚,而收购TikTok于微软和沃尔玛而言,就像两个中年人争着植发,能让自己显得年轻而已——收购后,TikTok对这些公司来说是否有价值,前景尚未可知。@刘欣在北京 Donald Trump has said that the sale of Tik Tok must be accomplished before September 15, and at the moment Microsoft, Oracle and Walmart are all potential buyers. James Early, CEO of Stansberry China, said that on paper the sale seems tempting for all three of them, but this "quickly-done deal" is not a slam dunk, and there is a long way to go after purchase. Quoting Prof. Scott Galloway, James said that "Microsoft and Walmart are just two middle-aged men fighting for hair plugs and TikTok is the hair plug to make them seem younger." As for B2B server Oracle who is desperate to make its way in e-commerce, James believes that the value of the deal is quite unclear because the connection between eyeballs and e-commerce is yet to be proven.