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[导读]乔治亚州卡尔豪恩, April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc.(NYSE:MHK)今天宣布,2019年第一季度净收益为1.

乔治亚州卡尔豪恩, April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc.(NYSE:MHK)今天宣布,2019年第一季度净收益为1.22亿美元,摊薄每股收益(EPS)为1.67美元。调整后净收益为1.54亿美元,每股收益为2.13美元,不包括重组、收购和其他费用。2019年第一季度的净销售额为24.4亿美元,季度增长1%,按固定货币和天数计算增长6%。2018年第一季度净销售额为24.1亿美元,净收益为2.09亿美元,每股收益为2.78美元,调整后净收益为2.25亿美元,每股收益为3.01美元,不包括重组、收购和其他费用。

Mohawk Industries, Inc.主席兼首席执行官Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum在谈到第一季度业绩时表示,“尽管大多数地区经济疲软和美元走强降低了我们的业绩,但我们在第一季度的业绩仍达到了我们预期的高端。 虽然美国房地产市场开始疲软和高投入导致成本增加,但进入第二季度后,两者都显示出改善的迹象。在全球范围内,不均衡的需求影响了交易量,增加了价格和组合压力。我们降低了生产率以平衡库存与客户需求,并管控我们的营运资金。我们最近在澳大利亚、新西兰和巴西的收购项目正在步入正轨,我们对提升在上述地区的市场影响力和改善成本的能力持乐观态度。”

“我们每个企业都在采取具体行动来适应当前的环境。我们正在推出新产品以差异化我们的产品线并提高利润率,提高价格以抵消更高的能源和材料成本。 我们替换了高成本资产,整合了低效率运营,增强了制造流程并降低了管理费用。”

本季度,我们Global Ceramic(全球瓷产品)部门报告销售额增长2.5%,按固定货币和天数计算增长7%。该业务部门报告经营利润率为9%,不包括其他费用则为10%,由于通货膨胀、临时停工成本以及生产力被营销投资部分抵消,因此同比有所下降。在美国,我们上调了多个类别的价格,以应对通货膨胀和更高的运输成本。我们通过防滑、更加耐用和抗菌技术等独特功能提升产品价值。我们正在测试快速安装技术并开创了新的瓷屋顶系统。我们新的石英台板工厂的启动正在按计划进行,这将对我们的石材和石英采买计划形成补充。 为减少运营费用,我们增强了材质配方,改进了制造效率、维护成本和货运策略,并降低了行政和销售费用。在墨西哥,我们通过扩展客户群、加大瓷产品供应和支持我们品牌的专卖店来实现增长。我们上调了价格,以弥补天然气、电力和运输成本的上涨。在巴西,我们最近也上调了价格,以抵消受政府调控的天然气成本大幅上涨。我们正在升级高端瓷产品组合并重新启动一条闲置生产线。市场疲软对欧洲市场带来更大压力,推动我们销售额的是商用、户外和瓷板产品以及中端较高档产品。我们正在调整欧洲工厂的产品生产,并减少人员来改善我们的成本、分销和服务。在俄罗斯,我们的销售额有显著增长,产品结构得到改善,我们正在提高价格以弥补通胀。在此期间,我们完成了瓷砖地板和墙砖的扩展以支持进一步增长,并开始建设更多板坯生产和优质卫生洁具的生产,以增加我们的产品种类。


本季度,我们的Flooring Rest of the World(世界其他地区地板)业务的销售额报告增长6%,按固定货币和天数计算增长16%。该业务部门报告经营利润率为14.5%,调整后为15.3%,原因是销量增长和通货膨胀率下降被价格、产品组合和生产率部分抵消。欧洲经济一直在放缓,给我们的收入和利润带来压力。我们一直在提高特定产品的价格,以抵消持续通货膨胀和货币变化的影响。随着我们新的LVT、乙烯基板、层压板和地毯块业务的增长,该业务部门受到启动成本和吸收不足的影响。在层压板方面,我们凭借独特的技术领先欧洲市场,让我们的产品成为木材的首选替代品。我们对欧洲的各层压板工厂实行了专门化定位,以使其专注生产高端产品或批量产品,从而改善效率和成本。我们的LVT制造已大幅改善,我们正在针对各个品牌推出更加坚硬的LVT系列。随着产量的提高,我们正在改良设备以解除流程限制。我们新的俄罗斯乙烯基板材厂在数量和产量方面都领先于计划。随着去年的材料短缺问题得到解决和成本下降,我们的隔音产品业绩得到改善。由于继续加强指定性及交易性销售,我们在比利时的新地毯块工厂运作良好。随着经济和房屋销售放缓,澳大利亚和新西兰市场面临压力。我们通过价格上调以抵消增加的成本,这主要来自当地货币疲软、关闭高成本挤压资产,以及从我们的美国营运地点和其他来源供应纱线。我们正在推出具有款式和性能更佳的新地毯产品,并增加我们的硬面系列产品,以扩大我们在地板市场的份额。



Mohawk Industries是全球领先的地板制造商,致力于创造可提升全球住宅和商业空间的优质产品。Mohawk的垂直整合生产和分销流程在生产地毯、块毯、瓷砖、复合地板、木质地板、石材地板和塑胶地板方面提供了竞争优势。依托业内领先的创新方式,我们的产品和技术令公司品牌在市场上脱颖而出,满足各种改造和新建需求。我们公司旗下的品牌在业内受到最广泛的认可,包括:American Olean、Daltile、Durkan、Eliane、Feltex、Godfrey Hirst、IVC、Karastan、Marazzi、Mohawk、Mohawk Group、Pergo、Quick-Step和Unilin。过去十年里,Mohawk已从一家美国地毯生产商成功转型为全球最大的地板公司,业务遍及澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、欧洲、印度、马来西亚、墨西哥、新西兰、俄罗斯和美国等地。

前面几段陈述中的某些内容,特别是预测未来业绩、业务前景、增长、经营策略以及类似事项和包括“可能”、“应该”、“相信”、“预期”、“预测”、“估计”或类似表达词语的内容均构成“前瞻性陈述”。针对以上陈述,Mohawk有权要求1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》中关于前瞻性陈述的安全港保护。 前瞻性陈述建立于诸多涉及风险和不确定性的假设基础上,因此我们无法保证其准确性。以下重要因素的改变可能导致未来业绩发生变化:经济或行业状况、竞争、原材料价格、其他投入成本的通货膨胀和通货紧缩、消费市场的通货膨胀和通货紧缩、能源成本和供应、资本支出的时间和水平、公司产品价格上涨的时间和实施、减值费用、收购整合、国际业务、推出新产品、运营合理化、税收和税收改革、产品和其他索赔、诉讼、以及Mohawk提交给美国证券交易委员会的报告和公告中提及的其他风险。


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Three Months Ended
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data) March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018
Net sales $2,442,490  2,412,202 
Cost of sales  1,817,563  1,707,510 
Gross profit  624,927  704,692 
Selling, general and administrative expenses  459,597  436,293 
Operating income  165,330  268,399 
Interest expense  10,473  7,528 
Other expense, net  (3,736) 3,998 
Earnings before income taxes  158,593  256,873 
Income tax expense  37,018  47,632 
Net earnings including noncontrolling interest  121,575  209,241 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest  (10) 475 
Net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $121,585  208,766 
Basic earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.    
Basic earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $1.68  2.80 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - basic  72,342  74,453 
Diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.    
Diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $1.67  2.78 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted  72,646  74,929 
Other Financial Information    
(Amounts in thousands)    
Depreciation and amortization $137,291  122,654 
Capital expenditures $136,948  250,936 
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data    
(Amounts in thousands)    
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018
Current assets:    
Cash and cash equivalents $105,668  114,843 
Receivables, net  1,743,581  1,689,912 
Inventories  2,338,125  2,044,962 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets  501,591  447,322 
Total current assets  4,688,965  4,297,039 
Property, plant and equipment, net  4,674,435  4,460,793 
Right of use operating lease assets  320,800  - 
Goodwill  2,548,997  2,512,615 
Intangible assets, net  950,564  899,989 
Deferred income taxes and other non-current assets  421,314  389,936 
Total assets $13,605,075  12,560,372 
Current liabilities:    
Current portion of long-term debt and commercial paper $1,763,332  1,331,917 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses  1,571,273  1,463,993 
Current operating lease liabilities  99,642  - 
Total current liabilities  3,434,247  2,795,910 
Long-term debt, less current portion  1,497,975  1,585,651 
Non-current operating lease liabilities  227,595  - 
Deferred income taxes and other long-term liabilities  868,213  801,878 
Total liabilities  6,028,030  5,183,439 
Redeemable noncontrolling interest  -  30,924 
Total stockholders' equity  7,577,045  7,346,009 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $13,605,075  12,560,372 
Segment Information As of or for the Three Months Ended
(Amounts in thousands) March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018
Net sales:    
Global Ceramic $898,352  876,548 
Flooring NA  921,980  950,358 
Flooring ROW  622,158  585,296 
Intersegment sales  -  - 
Consolidated net sales $2,442,490  2,412,202 
Operating income (loss):    
Global Ceramic $84,335  113,417 
Flooring NA  649  74,748 
Flooring ROW  90,431  89,060 
Corporate and intersegment eliminations  (10,085) (8,826)
Consolidated operating income $165,330  268,399 
Global Ceramic $5,503,807  5,029,225 
Flooring NA  4,020,336  3,847,555 
Flooring ROW  3,799,591  3,410,958 
Corporate and intersegment eliminations  281,341  272,634 
Consolidated assets $13,605,075  12,560,372 

Reconciliation of Net Earnings Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. to Adjusted Net Earnings Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.   
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $121,585  208,766       
Adjusting items:             
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  39,495  22,104       
Acquisitions purchase accounting , including inventory step-up  2,552  1,354       
Release of indemnification asset  -  1,749       
Income taxes - reversal of uncertain tax position  -  (1,749)      
Income taxes  (9,152) (6,940)      
Adjusted net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $154,480  225,284       
Adjusted diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. $2.13  3.01       
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted  72,646  74,929       
Reconciliation of Total Debt to Net Debt          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  March 30, 2019        
Current portion of long-term debt and commercial paper $1,763,332         
Long-term debt, less current portion  1,497,975         
Less: Cash and cash equivalents  105,668         
Net Debt $3,155,639         
Reconciliation of Operating Income to Adjusted EBITDA          
(Amounts in thousands)         Trailing Twelve
  Three Months Ended Months Ended
  June 30, 2018 September 29, 2018 December 31, 2018 March 30, 2019 March 30, 2019
Operating income $326,307  287,244  213,376  165,330 992,257 
Other (expense) income  (2,090) (706) (504) 3,736 436 
Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interest  (959) (1,013) (704) 10 (2,666)
Depreciation and amortization  127,048  132,972  139,092  137,291 536,403 
EBITDA  450,306  418,497  351,260  306,367 1,526,430 
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  16,042  19,890  20,412  39,495 95,839 
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  194  7,090  6,721  2,552 16,557 
Release of indemnification asset  -  -  2,857  - 2,857 
Adjusted EBITDA $466,542  445,477  381,250  348,414 1,641,683 
Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA         1.9 
Reconciliation of Net Sales to Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate and on Constant Shipping Days Excluding Acquisition Volume        
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Net sales $2,442,490  2,412,202       
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days  35,681         
Adjustment to net sales on a constant exchange rate  73,145  -       
Net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days  2,551,316  2,412,202       
Less: impact of acquisition volume  (119,891) -       
Net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days excluding acquisition volume $2,431,425  2,412,202       
Reconciliation of Segment Net Sales to Segment Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate and  Constant Shipping Days Excluding Acquisition Volume       
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended    
Global Ceramic March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Net sales $898,352  876,548       
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days  11,549  -       
Adjustment to segment net sales on a constant exchange rate  26,880  -       
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days  936,781  876,548       
Less: impact of acquisition volume  (50,996) -       
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days excluding acquisition volume $885,785  876,548       
Reconciliation of Segment Net Sales to Segment Net Sales on Constant Shipping Days          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended    
Flooring NA March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Net sales $921,980  950,358       
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days  14,635  -       
Segment net sales on constant shipping days $936,615  950,358       
Reconciliation of Segment Net Sales to Segment Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate and  Constant Shipping Days Excluding Acquisition Volume       
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended    
Flooring ROW March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Net sales $622,158  585,296       
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days  9,497  -       
Adjustment to segment net sales on a constant exchange rate  46,265  -       
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days  677,920  585,296       
Less: impact of acquisition volume  (68,895) -       
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days excluding acquisition volume $609,025  585,296       
Reconciliation of Gross Profit to Adjusted Gross Profit          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Gross Profit $624,927  704,692       
Adjustments to gross profit:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  35,602  14,498       
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  2,552  1,354       
Adjusted gross profit $663,081  720,544       
Reconciliation of Selling, General and Administrative Expenses to Adjusted Selling, General and Administrative Expenses        
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Selling, general and administrative expenses $459,597  436,293       
Adjustments to selling, general and administrative expenses:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  (3,101) (7,606)      
Adjusted selling, general and administrative expenses $456,496  428,687       
Reconciliation of Operating Income to Adjusted Operating Income          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Operating income $165,330  268,399       
Adjustments to operating income:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  38,703  22,104       
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  2,552  1,354       
Adjusted operating income $206,585  291,857       
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
Global Ceramic March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Operating income $84,335  113,417       
Adjustments to segment operating income:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  5,263  3,561       
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  204  -       
Adjusted segment operating income $89,802  116,978       
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
Flooring NA March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Operating income $649  74,748       
Adjustments to segment operating income:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  30,599  16,204       
Adjusted segment operating income $31,248  90,952       
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income and Adjusted Segment Operating Income on a Constant Exchange Rate      
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
Flooring ROW March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Operating income $90,431  89,060       
Adjustments to segment operating income:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  2,561  2,094       
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  2,348  1,354       
Adjusted segment operating income  95,340  92,508       
Adjustment to operating income on a constant exchange rate  7,755  -       
Adjusted segment operating income on a constant exchange rate $103,095  92,508       
Reconciliation of Earnings including Noncontrolling Interests Before Income Taxes to Adjusted Earnings Including Noncontrolling Interests Before Income Taxes      
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Earnings before income taxes $158,593  256,873       
Noncontrolling interests  10  (475)      
Adjustments to earnings including noncontrolling interests before income taxes:          
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs  39,495  22,104       
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up  2,552  1,354       
Release of indemnification asset  -  1,749       
Adjusted earnings including noncontrolling interests before income taxes $200,650  281,605       
Reconciliation of Income Tax Expense to Adjusted Income Tax Expense          
(Amounts in thousands)          
  Three Months Ended      
  March 30, 2019 March 31, 2018      
Income tax expense $37,018  47,632       
Income taxes - reversal of uncertain tax position  -  1,749       
Income tax effect of adjusting items  9,152  6,940       
Adjusted income tax expense $46,170  56,321       
Adjusted income tax rate  23.0% 20.0%      




联系人:Glenn Landau,首席财务官,电话:(706)624-2025

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