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  • 2020年第三季度报告和调整后每股收益(EPS*)分别为1.36美元和1.77美元,2019年第三季度的这两项数据分别为1.47美元和1.86美元
  • 2020年年初至今,报告和调整后每股收益分别为3.45美元和4.50美元,而上年同期分别为4.51美元和5.06美元
  • 公司预期通过收购100%所有权增加对Verdient Foods Inc.的投资,进一步增强其植物性蛋白质产品组合

伊利诺伊州威彻斯特, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 面向食品和饮料生产业的全球领先原料解决方案提供商 Ingredion Incorporated(NYSE:INGR)今天公布了2020年第三季度业绩。业绩数据依据2020年和2019年美国公认会计原则(GAAP)列报,含公司报告的非GAAP财务指标之外项目。

“我们对第三季度的运营执行和财务业绩感到满意。2020年第二季度,由于新冠肺炎抗疫限制措施放松,消费者活动增加,我们所有四个地区的客户需求量均出现了连续增长,”Ingredion总裁兼首席执行官 Jim Zallie 表示。“报告和调整后营业收入分别比第二季度增长35%和41%。我们高度专注于服务客户和运营执行,使我们能够在大部分地区实现利润的同比增长。”

“在继续应对世界各地不同经济环境的同时,我们仍专注于员工的适应力、对我们运营所在社区的责任,以及为服务客户而确保务连续性。我们的团队在与客户共同推进走向市场战略方面表现出了极大的灵活性和创造力,我为他们感到无比自豪。作为新的工作方式,我们正在利用新形式的数字协作进行沟通、创新,以及与客户共同创造。我们正在将世界各地的Idea Labs转移到虚拟互动工作室,以将创新流程带给客户,无论他们身处任何地方,”Zallie继续说道。

“今天,我们宣布了推进我们驱动增长路线图的又一项战略步骤:正在进行的对Verdient Foods Inc.的收购,这将使我们的所有权达到100%。这一交易促进我们加速净销售额增长,进一步扩大制造能力,并更好地管理我们的供应网络,以满足对植物性蛋白质不断增长的需求。本季度,我们还通过整合PureCircle的全球团队和运营,进一步增强了我们的减糖能力。”



摊薄每股收益 (EPS)

Reported EPS$1.47$1.36$4.51$3.45
Impairment/Restructuring Costs$0.32$0.22$0.47$0.51
Acquisition/Integration Costs -$0.06$0.02$0.10
Tax Items$0.07$0.01$0.06$0.33
Other Adjusted Items -$0.12-$0.12
Adjusted EPS**$1.86$1.77$5.06$4.50


Foreign exchange(0.07)(0.20)
Other income0.01(0.03)
Total operating items(0.15)(0.69)
Other non-operating income0.020.05
Financing costs0.090.09
Non-Controlling interests0.020.02
Shares outstanding(0.01)(0.02)
Tax rate(0.06)(0.02)
Total non-operating items0.060.12
Total items affecting EPS**(0.09)(0.56)



  • 截至2020年9月30日,总债务及现金和短期投资分别为22亿美元和5.53亿美元,2019年12月31日的数字分别为18亿美元和2.68亿美元。总债务、现金和短期投资的增加主要是由于公司在2020年第二季度销售了10亿美元的优先票据(被7月份赎回2020年11月的4亿美元优先票据部分抵消)。
  • 净融资成本为2,200万美元,其中500万美元用于支付与7月份提前赎回的优先票据相关的利息。第三季度净融资成本较上年同期下降200万美元。减少的原因在于利率降低而使净利息费用减少。
  • 第三季度的报告和调整后实际税率分别为30.1%和26.2%,相比之下,上年同期的数字分别为27.1%和23.2%。报告和调整税率的增加主要是由于美国的外国税收抵免、国家收入组合和其他一次性调整。
  • 年初至今的资本支出为2.5亿美元,较上年同期增加1900万美元。



$ in millions2019
Net Sales
FX ImpactVolumePrice mixPureCircle2020
Net Sales
% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter1,574-38-36-681,502-5%-2%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness DriversPureCircleAcquisition /IntegrationRestructuring / ImpairmentOther2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter165-6-3-5-512-5153-7%-4%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness DriversPureCircle2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter193-6-3-5179-7%-4%


  • 第三季度的净销售额低于去年同期。下降原因在于南美洲的汇率影响以及北美洲的销量下降。剔除汇率影响后该季度的净销售额下降了2%。
  • 年初至今的净销售额低于上年同期。年初至今净销售额下降的原因是北美州和南美洲的销售额下降以及南美的外汇影响,其中部分不利影响被有利的定价所抵消。剔除汇率影响后,年初至今的净销售额下降了3%。


  • 该季度报告和调整后营业收入分别为1.53亿美元和1.79亿美元,均较上年同期下降7%。下降的主要原因是北美销量下降以及PureCircle业绩纳入计算。 剔除汇率影响后,报告和调整后营业收入均比去年同期下降4%。
  • 年初至今报告和调整后营业收入分别为4.19亿美元和4.73亿美元,较上年同期分别下降15%和12%。下降的主要原因是北美地区销量下降,以及持续投资以推动业务和数字化转型导致公司成本上涨。剔除汇率影响后,报告和调整后营业收入分别比去年同期下降11%和8%。
  • 因为与成本智能(Cost Smart)相关的资产关停和重组成本、收购与整合成本,以及八月份爱荷华州风暴损失的影响,第三季度和年初至今报告营业收入分别比调整后营业收入低2600万美元和5400万美元。



$ in millions2019
Net Sales
FX ImpactVolumePrice
Net Sales
% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter984-1-31-24928-6%-6%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness Drivers2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter145--13132-9%-9%


  • 第三季度营业收入为1.32亿美元,相比去年同期降低1300万美元。营收下滑的原因是销量下降,这是由于新冠肺炎疫情继续影响着整个地区的外出消费,以及美国和加拿大不利的产品组合。
  • 年初至今营业收入为3.58亿美元,相比去年同期下降5100万美元。下降主因在于整个地区的外出消费显著下降以及墨西哥的酿酒厂客户停工。



$ in millions2019
Net Sales
FX ImpactVolumePrice
Net Sales
% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter245-38-724224-9%7%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness Drivers2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter27-68297%30%


  • 第三季度营业收入为2900万美元,相比去年同期增加200万美元。这一增长是由强劲的价格组合所推动(被不利的外汇影响所抵消)。剔除外汇影响后,部门营业收入增长30%。
  • 年初至今营业收入为6800万美元,与去年同期相比增长700万美元,增长原因在于受强劲的价格组合效应带动(部分被不利的外汇影响所抵消)。剔除外汇影响后,部门营业收入增长33%。阿根廷的结果按恶性通货膨胀会计以美元核算。



$ in millions2019
Net Sales
FX ImpactVolumePrice
Net Sales
% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter205-1-782071%1%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness DriversPureCircle2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter22-1-518-18%-18%


  • 第三季度营业收入为1800万美元,相比去年同期下降400万美元,原因在于PureCircle运营亏损500万美元。不计入PureCircle影响,第三季度营业收入为2300万美元,相比去年同期增长100万美元,主要原因是投入成本和运营费用降低。
  • 年初至今营业收入为6000万美元,相比去年同期下降500万美元。PureCircle业绩导致年初至今营业收入减少500万美元。剔除PureCircle业绩后,年初至今营业收入与去年同期持平,投入成本降低以及运营成本减少抵消了上半年因居家防疫令造成的销售额下降。剔除外汇影响后,部门营业收入下降6%。



$ in millions2019
Net Sales
FX ImpactVolumePrice
Net Sales
% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter140-121432%2%


$ in millions2019FX ImpactBusiness Drivers2020% change% change
excl. FX
Third quarter24-1254%4%


  • 第三季度营业收入为2500万美元,相比去年同期增加100万美元。这一增长主要是由于巴基斯坦有利的价格组合和欧洲较低的运营费用。
  • 年初至今营业收入为7300万美元,相比去年同期增加200万美元。增长原因主要在于巴基斯坦定价措施、EMEA特种产品销量强劲以及欧洲运营费用降低,其中部分被居家订单对巴基斯坦第一季度产量和销量的影响以及外汇的负面影响所抵消。剔除汇率影响后,部门营业收入较去年同期增长8%。








Ingredion将于美国中部时间2020年11月2日上午8:00召开电话会议。会议由总裁兼首席执行官Jim Zallie以及执行副总裁兼首席财务官James Gray主持。电话会议将进行实时网络直播,其中的演示稿可通过公司网站www.ingredion.com获取。演示稿于会议开始前的几小时内开放下载。网络直播将通过www.ingredion.com网站提供限时重放。

Ingredion Incorporated(NYSE: INGR)总部位于芝加哥郊区,是全球领先的原料解决方案提供商,为全球120多个国家/地区的客户提供服务。公司将谷物、水果、蔬菜和其他植物基材料转化为食品、饮料、动物饲料、酿造和工业市场使用的增值原料和生物材料解决方案,2019年净销售额超过60亿美元。凭借遍布世界各地的Ingredion Idea Labs®创新中心和11,000多名员工,公司与客户共同确立并实现其目标:将人、自然和科技的潜力融合在一起以创建更美好的生活。如需了解更多信息和最新公司新闻,请访问ingredion.com。






投资者:Tiffany Willis,708-551-2592
媒体:Becca Hary,708-551-2602

Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
(in millions, except per share amounts) Three Months Ended September 30, Change % Nine Months Ended September 30, Change %
   2020  2019     2020  2019   
Net sales $1,502 $1,574  (5%) $4,394 $4,660  (6%)
Cost of sales  1,176  1,230     3,474  3,671   
Gross profit  326  344  (5%)  920  989  (7%)
Operating expenses  155  153  1%  456  457  0%
Other expense (income), net  2  (2)    4  (3)  
Restructuring/impairment charges  16  28     41  41   
Operating income  153  165  (7%)  419  494  (15%)
Financing costs, net  22  24     59  62   
Other, non-operating (income) expense, net  (2) 1     (3) 1   
Income before income taxes  133  140  (5%)  363  431  (16%)
Provision for income taxes  40  38     125  120   
Net income  93  102  (9%)  238  311  (23%)
Less: Net income attributable to non-controlling interests  1  3     5  7   
Net income attributable to Ingredion $92 $99  (7%) $233 $304  (23%)
Earnings per common share attributable to Ingredion          
common shareholders:          
Weighted average common shares outstanding:          
Basic  67.2  66.9     67.2  66.9   
Diluted  67.6  67.4     67.6  67.4   
Earnings per common share of Ingredion:          
Basic $1.37 $1.48  (7%) $3.47 $4.54  (24%)
Diluted $1.36 $1.47  (7%) $3.45 $4.51  (24%)

Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in millions, except share and per share amounts)September 30, 2020 December 31, 2019
Current assets   
Cash and cash equivalents$553  $264 
Short-term investments -   4 
Accounts receivable – net 913   977 
Inventories 908   861 
Prepaid expenses 56   54 
Total current assets 2,430   2,160 
Property, plant and equipment – net 2,354   2,306 
Goodwill 841   801 
Other intangible assets – net 479   437 
Operating lease assets 161   151 
Deferred income tax assets 23   13 
Other assets 176   172 
Total assets$6,464  $6,040 
Liabilities and equity   
Current liabilities   
Short-term borrowings 62  $82 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 893   885 
Total current liabilities 955   967 
Non-current liabilities 211   220 
Long-term debt 2,115   1,766 
Non-current operating lease liabilities 123   120 
Deferred income tax liabilities 189   195 
Share-based payments subject to redemption 32   31 
Redeemable non-controlling interests 74   - 
Ingredion stockholders' equity:   
Preferred stock – authorized 25,000,000 shares – $0.01 par value, none issued -   - 
Common stock – authorized 200,000,000 shares – $0.01 par value, 77,810,875  
shares issued at September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019 1   1 
Additional paid-in capital 1,145   1,137 
Less: Treasury stock (common stock; 10,822,592 and 10,993,388 shares at   
September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively) at cost (1,027)  (1,040)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,259)  (1,158)
Retained earnings 3,884   3,780 
Total Ingredion stockholders' equity 2,744   2,720 
Non-redeemable non-controlling interests 21   21 
Total equity 2,765   2,741 
Total liabilities and equity$6,464  $6,040 

Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
  For the Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in millions) 2020 2019
Cash provided by operating activities:    
Net income $238  $311 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to    
net cash provided by operating activities:    
Depreciation and amortization  158   158 
Mechanical stores expense  39   42 
Deferred income taxes  (1)  2 
Charge for fair value mark-up of acquired inventory  3   - 
Margin accounts  6   (4)
Changes in other trade working capital  80   (51)
Other  39   32 
Cash provided by operating activities  562   490 
Cash used for investing activities:    
Capital expenditures and mechanical stores purchases, net proceeds on disposals  (250)  (231)
Payments for acquisitions, net of cash acquired  (208)  (42)
Investment in a non-consolidated affiliate  (6)  (10)
Short-term investments  4   4 
Other  -   1 
Cash used for investing activities  (460)  (278)
Cash provided by (used for) financing activities:    
Proceeds from borrowings (payments on), net  341   (19)
Debt issuance costs  (9)  - 
Repurchases of common stock, net  -   63 
Issuances of common stock for share-based compensation, net of settlements  2   1 
Dividends paid, including to non-controlling interests  (132)  (131)
Cash provided by (used for) financing activities  202   (86)
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash  (15)  (10)
Increase in cash and cash equivalents  289   116 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period  264   327 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $553  $443 

Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")              
Supplemental Financial Information              
I. Geographic Information of Net Sales and Operating Income           
(in millions, expect for percentages)Three Months Ended September 30,   Change Nine Months Ended September 30, ChangeChange
  2020   2019  Change Excl. FX  2020   2019  %Excl. FX
Net Sales              
North America$928  $984  (6%) (6%) $2,739  $2,912  (6%)(6%)
South America 224   245  (9%) 7%  643   699  (8%)7%
Asia-Pacific 207   205  1% 1%  583   611  (5%)(3%)
EMEA 143   140  2% 2%  429   438  (2%)2%
Total Net Sales$1,502  $1,574  (5%) (2%) $4,394  $4,660  (6%)(3%)
Operating Income              
North America$132  $145  (9%) (9%) $358  $409  (12%)(12%)
South America 29   27  7% 30%  68   61  11%33%
Asia-Pacific 18   22  (18%) (18%)  60   65  (8%)(6%)
EMEA 25   24  4% 4%  73   71  3%8%
Corporate (25)  (25) 0% 0%  (86)  (69) (25%)(25%)
Sub-total 179   193  (7%) (4%)  473   537  (12%)(8%)
Restructuring/impairment charges (16)  (28)      (41)  (41)   
Acquisition/integration costs (5)  -       (8)  (2)   
Charge for fair value markup of acquired inventory (3)  -       (3)     
North America storm damage (2)  -       (2)  -    
Total Operating Income$153  $165  (7%) (4%) $419  $494  (15%)(11%)


II. Non-GAAP Information           
To supplement the consolidated financial results prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”), we use non-GAAP historical financial measures, which exclude certain GAAP items such as acquisition and integration costs, restructuring and impairment cost, Mexico tax provision, and certain other special items. We generally use the term “adjusted” when referring to these non-GAAP amounts. Management uses non-GAAP financial measures internally for strategic decision making, forecasting future results and evaluating current performance. By disclosing non-GAAP financial measures, management intends to provide investors with a more meaningful, consistent comparison of our operating results and trends for the periods presented. These non-GAAP financial measures are used in addition to and in conjunction with results presented in accordance with GAAP and reflect an additional way of viewing aspects of our operations that, when viewed with our GAAP results, provide a more complete understanding of factors and trends affecting our business. These non-GAAP measures should be considered as a supplement to, and not as a substitute for, or superior to, the corresponding measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures are not prepared in accordance with GAAP; therefore, the information is not necessarily comparable to other companies. A reconciliation of each non-GAAP historical financial measure to the most comparable GAAP measure is provided in the tables below.
Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Diluted Earnings Per Share ("EPS") to
Non-GAAP Adjusted Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Adjusted Diluted EPS
 Three Months Ended Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended
 September 30, 2020 September 30, 2019 September 30, 2020 September 30, 2019
 (in millions)Diluted EPS (in millions)Diluted EPS (in millions)Diluted EPS (in millions)Diluted EPS
Net income attributable to Ingredion$92 $1.36  $99$1.47 $233$3.45 $304$4.51
Add back:           
Acquisition/integration costs, net of income tax benefit of $1 million and $2 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively, and $ - million and $1 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019, respectively (i) 4  0.06   - -  6 0.10  1 0.02
Restructuring/impairment charges, net of income tax benefit of $1 million and $7 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively, and $6 million and $9 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019, respectively (ii) 15  0.22   22 0.32  34 0.51  32 0.47
Charge for fair value markup of acquired inventory, net of income tax benefit of $ - for the three and nine months ending September 30, 2020, respectively (iii) 3  0.04   - -  3 0.04   
Charge for early extinguishment of debt, net of income tax benefit of $1 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively (iv) 4  0.06   - -  4 0.06  - -
North America storm damage, net of income tax benefit of $ - for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively (v) 2  0.03   - -  2 0.03  - -
Tax (benefit) provision - Mexico (vi) (6) (0.08)  3 0.04  16 0.24  2 0.03
Other tax matters (vii) 6  0.09   2 0.03  6 0.09  2 0.03
Non-GAAP adjusted net income attributable to Ingredion$120 $1.77  $126$1.86 $304$4.50 $341$5.06
Net income, EPS and tax rates may not foot or recalculate due to rounding.
(i) The 2020 period primarily includes costs related to the acquisition and integration of the business acquired from PureCircle Limited. The 2019 period primarily includes costs related to the acquisition and integration of the business acquired from Western Polymer, LLC.
(ii) During the three months ended September 30, 2020, the Company recorded $6 million of pre-tax restructuring/impairment charges, consisting of $4 million of employee-related and other costs, including professional services, associated with its Cost Smart SG&A program and $2 million of restructuring related expenses primarily in North America and APAC as part of its Cost Smart cost of sales program. During the nine months ended September 30, 2020, the Company recorded $31 million of pre-tax restructuring/impairment charges, consisting of, $17 million of restructuring related expenses primarily in North America and APAC as part of its Cost Smart cost of sales program and $14 million of employee-related and other costs, including professional services, associated with its Cost Smart SG&A program. In addition, the Company recorded a $10 million impairment of its equity method investment during the three months ended September 30, 2020, triggered by the decrease in fair value of its investment resulting from the agreed upon purchase price of the remaining 80% interest in Verdient Foods, Inc. The Company expects to complete the acquisition during Q4 2020.

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019, the Company recorded $28 million and $41 million of pre-tax restructuring charges, respectively. During the third quarter of 2019, the Company recorded $14 million of net restructuring related expenses as part of the Cost Smart cost of sales program, including $6 million of employee-related costs and accelerated depreciation as part of the closure of our Lane Cove, Australia facility. Additionally, we recorded $4 million of employee-related costs in South America and APAC, and $4 million of other costs, including professional services, within the Cost Smart cost of sales program. The Company also recorded $14 million of restructuring related costs as part of the Cost Smart SG&A program, including $7 million of employee-related severance and $7 million of other costs, including professional services, primarily in North America and South America. During the nine months ended September 30, 2019, the Company recorded $41 million of restructuring charges including $20 million of employee-related and other costs, including professional services, associated with its Cost Smart SG&A program, $18 million of other costs, including professional services, and employee-related costs associated with its Cost Smart cost of sales program, including the closure of the Lane Cove, Australia facility, and $3 million of other costs related to the Latin America finance transformation initiative.
(iii) The three and nine months ended September 30, 2020 includes the flow-through of costs associated with the purchase of PureCircle Limited inventory that was adjusted to fair value at the acquisition date in accordance with business combination accounting rules.
(iv) During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, the Company incurred $5 million of costs directly related to the early debt extinguishment of the $400 million 4.625% senior notes due November 1, 2020. The Company recorded the debt extinguishment charges within Financing costs, net on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income.
(v) During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, the Company incurred storm damage to the Cedar Rapids, IA manufacturing facility. The facility was shut down for 10 days, and the storm related damage resulted in $2 million of charges during the three months ended September 30, 2020. The Company recorded the storm damage costs within Other expense (income), net on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income.
(vi) The tax item represents the impact of the Company’s use of the U.S. dollar as the functional currency for its subsidiaries in Mexico. Mexico’s effective tax rate is strongly influenced by the remeasurement of the Mexican peso financial statements into U.S. dollars. The company recorded a tax benefit of $6 million and a tax provision of $16 million three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively, as a result of the movement of the Mexican peso against the U.S. dollar during the periods. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019, the company recorded a tax provision of $3 million and $2 million, respectively, as a result of the movement of the Mexican peso against the U.S. dollar during the periods.
(vii) This relates to other tax settlements, tax adjustments for an intercompany reorganization, and tax results of the above non-GAAP addbacks.   
II. Non-GAAP Information (continued)           
Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Reconciliation of GAAP Operating Income to Non-GAAP Adjusted Operating Income
 Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended      
 September 30, September 30,      
(in millions, pre-tax) 2020  2019   2020 2019      
Operating income$153 $165  $419$494      
Add back:           
Acquisition/integration costs (i) 5  -   8 2      
Restructuring/impairment charges (ii) 16  28   41 41      
Charge for fair value markup of acquired inventory (iii) 3  -   3 0      
North America storm damage (v) 2  -   2 -      
Non-GAAP adjusted operating income$179 $193  $473$537      
For each tickmark above, see footnotes included in the Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Diluted EPS to Non-GAAP Adjusted Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Adjusted Diluted EPS.

II. Non-GAAP Information (continued)            
Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Reconciliation of GAAP Effective Income Tax Rate to Non-GAAP Adjusted Effective Income Tax Rate
  Three Months Ended September 30, 2020 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
  Income before Provision for Effective Income Income before Provision for Effective Income
(in millions) Income Taxes (a)Income Taxes (b)Tax Rate (b / a) Income Taxes (a)Income Taxes (b)Tax Rate (b / a)
As Reported $133 $40  30.1% $363 $125  34.4%
Add back:            
Acquisition/integration costs (i)  5  1     8  2   
Restructuring/impairment charges (ii)  16  1     41  7   
Charge for fair value markup of acquired inventory (iii)  3  -     3  -   
Charge for early extinguishment of debt (iv)  5  1     5  1   
North America storm damage (v)  2  -     2  -   
Tax item - Mexico (vi)  -  6     -  (16)  
Other tax matters (vii)  -  (6)    -  (6)  
Adjusted Non-GAAP $164 $43  26.2% $422 $113  26.8%
  Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019
  Income before Provision for Effective Income Income before Provision for Effective Income
(in millions) Income Taxes (a)Income Taxes (b)Tax Rate (b / a) Income Taxes (a)Income Taxes (b)Tax Rate (b / a)
As Reported $140 $38  27.1% $431 $120  27.8%
Add back:            
Acquisition/integration costs (i)  -  -     2  1   
Restructuring/impairment charges (ii)  28  6     41  9   
Tax item - Mexico (vi)  -  (3)    -  (2)  
Other tax matters (vii)  -  (2)    -  (2)  
Adjusted Non-GAAP $168 $39  23.2% $474 $126  26.6%
For each tickmark above, see footnotes included in the Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Diluted EPS to Non-GAAP Adjusted Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Adjusted Diluted EPS.

II. Non-GAAP Information (continued)    
Ingredion Incorporated ("Ingredion")
Reconciliation of Reported U.S. GAAP Effective Tax Rate ("GAAP ETR")
to Anticipated Adjusted Effective Tax Rate ("Adjusted ETR")
  Anticipated Effective Tax Rate Range
  for Full Year 2020
  Low End High End
GAAP ETR 32.0% 36.0%
Acquisition/integration costs (i) 0.4% 0.4%
Restructuring/impairment charges (ii) 1.5% 1.6%
Charge for fair value markup of acquired inventory (iii) 0.0% 0.0%
Charge for early extinguishment of debt (iv) 0.2% 0.2%
North America storm damage (v) 0.1% 0.2%
Tax item - Mexico (vi) -2.3% -5.0%
Other tax matters (vii) -1.0% -1.0%
Impact of adjustment on Effective Tax Rate (viii) -3.9% -4.4%
Adjusted ETR 27.0% 28.0%
Above is a reconciliation of our anticipated full year 2020 GAAP ETR to our anticipated full year 2020 adjusted ETR. The amounts above may not reflect certain future charges, costs and/or gains that are inherently difficult to predict and estimate due to their unknown timing, effect and/or significance. These amounts include, but are not limited to, acquisition and integration costs, impairment and restructuring costs, and certain other special items. We generally exclude these items from our adjusted ETR guidance. For these reasons, we are more confident in our ability to predict adjusted ETR than we are in our ability to predict GAAP ETR.
For items (i) through (vii), see footnotes included in the Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Diluted EPS to Non-GAAP Adjusted Net Income attributable to Ingredion and Adjusted Diluted EPS.
(viii) Indirect impact of tax rate after items (i) through (vii).


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