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[导读]STM8L15xxx是超低功耗8位MCU系列,采用先进的STM8内核,动态功耗为192 μA/MHZ,16MHz CPU时钟的性能高达16 MIPS, 工作电压从1.8 V 到3.6 V (低至1.65 V ),多达32KB嵌入闪存程序存储器,主要用在医疗和手提设备,PC外设,游

STM8L15xxx是超低功耗8位MCU系列,采用先进的STM8内核,动态功耗为192 μA/MHZ,16MHz CPU时钟的性能高达16 MIPS, 工作电压从1.8 V 到3.6 V (低至1.65 V ),多达32KB嵌入闪存程序存储器,主要用在医疗和手提设备,PC外设,游戏机,GPS,告警系统,有线和无线传感器.本文介绍了STM8L15xxx主要特性,方框图, 时钟树框图和超低功耗STM8L15LPBOARD演示板主要特性,详细电路图.

The STM8L15xxx devices are members of the STM8L Ultralow power 8-bit family. They are referred to as medium-density devices in the STM8L15xxx reference manual (RM0031) and in the STM8L Flash programming manual (PM0054). They provide the following benefits:

● Integrated system

– Up to 32 Kbytes of medium-density embedded Flash program memory

– 1 Kbyte of data EEPROM

– Internal high speed and low-power low speed RC.

– Embedded reset

● Ultralow power consumption

– 192 μA/MHZ (dynamic consumption)

– 1 μA in Active-halt mode

– Clock gated system and optimized power management

– Capability to execute from RAM for Low power wait mode and Low power run mode

● Advanced features

– Up to 16 MIPS at 16 MHz CPU clock frequency

– Direct memory access (DMA) for memory-to-memory or peripheral-to-memory access.

● Short development cycles

– Application scalability across a common family product architecture with compatible pinout, memory map and modular peripherals.

– Wide choice of development tools

The STM8L15xxx family operates from 1.8 V to 3.6 V (down to 1.65 V at power down) and is available in the -40 to +85℃ and -40 to +125℃ temperature ranges.

The STM8L15xxx Ultralow power family features the enhanced STM8 CPU core providing increased processing power (up to 16 MIPS at 16 MHz) while maintaining the advantages of a CISC architecture with improved code density, a 24-bit linear addressing space and an optimized architecture for low power operations.

The family includes an integrated debug module with a hardware interface (SWIM) which allows non-intrusive In-Application debugging and ultrafast Flash programming.All STM8L15xxx microcontrollers feature embedded data EEPROM and low power lowvoltage single-supply program Flash memory.

The STM8L15xxx family 8-bit microcontrollers incorporate an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals. All devices offer 12-bit ADC, DAC, two comparators, Real-time clock three 16-bit timers, one 8-bit timer as well as standard communication interface such as SPI, I2C and USART. A 4x28-segment LCD is available on the STM8L152xx line.

The modular design of the peripheral set allows the same peripherals to be found in different ST microcontroller families including 32-bit families. This makes any transition to a different family very easy, and simplified even more by the use of a common set of development tools.

These features make the STM8L15xxx microcontroller family suitable for a wide range of applications:

● Medical and handheld equipment

● Application control and user interface

● PC peripherals, gaming, GPS and sport equipment

● Alarm systems, wired and wireless sensors

STM8L15xxx 主要特性:

■ Operating conditions

– Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V (down to 1.65 V at power down)

– Temperature range: - 40℃ to 85 or 125℃

■ Low power features

– 5 low power modes: Wait , Low power run (5.1 μA), Low power wait (3 μA), Active-halt with full RTC (1.3 μA), Halt (350 nA)

– Dynamic consumption: 195 μA/MHz+440μA

– Ultralow leakage per I/0: 50 nA

– Fast wakeup from Halt: 4.7 μs

■ Advanced STM8 core

– Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline

– Max freq. 16 MHz, 16 CISC MIPS peak

– Up to 40 external interrupt sources

■ Reset and supply management

– Low power, ultrasafe BOR reset with 5 selectable thresholds

– Ultralow power POR/PDR

– Programmable voltage detector (PVD)

■ Clock management

– 1 to 16 MHz crystal oscillator

– 32 kHz crystal oscillator

– Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC

– Internal 38 kHz low consumption RC

– Clock security system

■ Low power RTC

– BCD calendar with alarm interrupt

– Auto-wakeup from Halt w/ periodic interrupt

■ LCD: up to 4x28 segments w/ step-up converter

■ Memories

– Up to 32 KB of Flash program memory and 1 Kbyte of data EEPROM with ECC, RWW

– Flexible write and read protection modes

– Up to 2 Kbytes of RAM


– 4 channels; supported peripherals: ADC,DAC, SPI, I2C, USART, timers

– 1 channel for memory-to-memory

■ 12-bit DAC with output buffer

■ 12-bit ADC up to 1 Msps/25 channels

– T. sensor and internal reference voltage

■ 2 Ultralow power comparators

– 1 with fixed threshold and 1 rail to rail

– Wakeup capability

■ Timers

– Two 16-bit timers with 2 channels (used as IC, OC, PWM), quadrature encoder

– One 16-bit advanced control timer with 3 channels, supporting motor control

– One 8-bit timer with 7-bit prescaler

– 2 watchdogs: 1 Window, 1 Independent

– Beeper timer with 1, 2 or 4 kHz frequencies

■ Communication interfaces

– Synchronous serial interface (SPI)

– Fast I2C 400 kHz SMBus and PMBus

– USART (ISO 7816 interface and IrDA)

■ Up to 41 I/Os, all mappable on interrupt vectors

■ Up to 16 capacitive sensing channels with free firmware

■ Development support

– Fast on-chip programming and non intrusive debugging with SWIM

– Bootloader using USART

■ 96-bit unique ID




STM8L15LPBOARD low-power demonstration board The STM8L15LPBOARD low-power demonstration board demonstrates all the STM8L15x low-power modes, and permits the user to take consumption measurements in all modes.


■ SWIM debug support

■ MCU consumption auto-measurement circuit

■ Function and wakeup buttons

■ 32.768 kHz quartz

MCU pins connector







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