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[导读] Freescale公司新的 i300-30 3G手机平台是具有双模式EDGE Class 12功能,三频段WCDMA / HSDPA,四频段GSM 3G平台。最适合于开放式操作系统如Linux和

Freescale公司新的 i300-30 3G手机平台是具有双模式EDGE Class 12功能,三频段WCDMA / HSDPA,四频段GSM 3G平台。最适合于开放式操作系统如Linux和Symbian,i300-30 3G手机平台还具有 HSDPA功能。本文介绍i300-30 3G手机平台特性和主要优势,方框图以及软件架构图。

Freescale’s new i.300-30 3G platform is the first dual-mode EDGE Class 12 capable, tri-band WCDMA / HSDPA, quad-band GSM 3G platform. Optimized for open operating systems such as Linux and Symbian, the i.300-30 platform enables flexibility for handset manufacturers globally. Also featured on the i.300-30 platform is high speed downlink packet access ( HSDPA ).

i.300-30 平台特性:
> SC140 DSP based on StarCore™ technology;up to 208 MHz
> ARM11™ applications processor @ 400 MHz
> Quad-band GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
> EDGE GPRS, Class 12 capable
> WCDMA tri-band
> Up to 3 WCDMA bands
384 Kbps uplink (UL), 384 Kbps downlink (DL)
HSDPA 3.6 Mbps DL
> Compressed and non-compressed mode
> Videoconferencing
> Common intermediate format (CIF) video encoder
> Integrated imaging processing unit (IPU) video accelerator
i.300-30 主要优势:
> Extreme hardware integration and low complexity
Low part count and a small electronic bill of materials (eBOM) cost
Low IC/module count of 6
Simplified interfaces
85 cc handset size capable
Simplified development time

> Integrated hardware accelerators provide higher performance at longer battery life for users
> Significantly increased processing power to provide gaming, streaming video and
videoconferencing; this comprehensive end-to-end hardware and software solution
with full support reduces manufacturer risk and can ultimately save time and money
> Proven software, tools and support make certification, interoperability andcustomization easier, speeding time to market
> Protocol stack interoperability testing (IOT) with most major 3G infrastructure suppliers
> Reduced current drain by more than
40 percent (200 mA, down from 325 mA in second-generation 3G platform)
> Flexible, open hardware and software platform architecture enables reuse from node to node and across generations
> Compelling roadmap with seamless migration path to revolutionary MXC architecture
> Comprehensive HSDPA-enabled solution provides faster download times to consumers without sacrificing battery life
> Freescale offers a one-stop-shop with hardware platforms, software, tools and support
RF Leadership with i.300-30 .

The i.300-30 platform supports full non-compressed mode, up to three RF bands on WCDMA and four bands on GSM, including WCDMA operation on 850 MHz for U.S. or 800 MHz for Japan and 1900 MHz U.S. PCS. In addition, the platform supports 3.6 Mbps HSDPA WCDMA with a 5-code, 16-QAM HSDPA channel and a 384-Kbps transmit/receive (Tx/Rx) circuit switched channel. The supported
high-speed hardware assist searcher greatly improves standby battery life. Finally, it supports Class 10 (Class 12 hardware) EDGE GPRS with the transceiver using Freescale’s revolutionary polar architecture.

图1。i300-30 3G手机平台方框图


i300-30 3G手机平台元件特性:
Components and Enhancers
At the heart of the i.300-30 platform is a set of highly integrated, low-power, high-performance integrated circuits (ICs) and a communications engine. The i.300-30 platform helps wireless products fully meet the WCDMA standard.

Baseband Processor
Designed to get products to market ahead of the 3G pack, the i.300-30 platform leverages Freescale’s industry-leading baseband expertise and is the first to integrate the advanced processing power of a SC140e digital signal processor (DSP) based on StarCore technology and an ARM11™ applications processor on CMOS90 technology. This hybrid architecture supports both dual and single core modems with the possibility of executing DSP code from external memory.

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