印度拟投资50亿美元建芯片厂 重振IC业
印度政府宣布将重新支持在印度建立半导体集成电路制造业的努力,其中包括建设2座投资总额为50亿美元的芯片生产厂。印度政府称最终的投资和政府资助方案将通过和有过各方的谈判来确定。新成立的一个由官员和专家组成的政府委员会(Empowered Committee)将对相关技术和投资方进行评估。
印度此前的努力并没有吸引到主流的芯片公司到印度去设厂,曾经的两家较小的投资案(SemIndia 和Hindustan Manufacturing )并没有真正从事半导体芯片的制造,而是转向了光伏领域产品的生产。
原文:India preps $5 billion two-fab
Peter Clarke
LONDON – The Indian government has announced renewed efforts to try and create a manufacturing industry on the sub-continent and is looking for investment of about $5 billion to two fabs.
The exact of government for the would be finalized by way of negotiations interested ies. This is set to happen after a has been produced by the newly-ed Empowered Committee for identifying and investors for Fabrication (Fab) Manufacturing Facilities, the Indian government in a statement.
The Empowered Committee is composed mainly of political appointments but is expected to co-opt industry experts and is due to to government by July 31, 2011.
The committee has been chartered identifying the sources of and potential investors for the establishment of at least two fabs and to recommend the nature and size of government . This could be in the of an equity position, grants and financial .
The Indian government argues in its statement that the lack of domestic making and reliance on s overseas is serving as a bottleneck on the development of complete electronic in India. The argument continues that the creation of fabs would have a “catalytic on the development downstram and upstream products.” The government estimates that the creation of a chipmaking industry within India create 30 million direct and indirect jobs by 2020.
However, India has been here before and failed to attract any chip manufacturers to set up shop. In the middle of the last a of Valley based Indian ex-patriates created Semindia before transing that company into a supplier of communications . Hindustan Manufacturing . selected Technologies AG as a ner to it put down two fabs in Fab City industrial park near Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Neither SemIndia nor HSMC has put down wafer fabs and the government-ed Fab City has drifted towards a on energy. It was not discussed whether Fab City would still be a preferred location for the creation of chip manufacturing under the renewed .