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[导读]A SIMPLE-TO-USE test that is set to revolutionise healthcare for millions of people who have a risk of developing blood clots is under development by a North Wales medical technology company. Micro

A SIMPLE-TO-USE test that is set to revolutionise healthcare for millions of people who have a risk of developing blood clots is under development by a North Wales medical technology company.

Microvisk is developing a technologically advanced device to enable people to check quickly and accurately if they are getting the correct dosage of warfarin.

Warfarin is the most commonly prescribed oral anti-coagulant drug used to delay blood clot formation that may be caused by a number of medical conditions. Their blood clotting time needs to be monitored regularly to ensure the correct dosage is given.

Microvisk is developing a test that is as simple to use as the finger-prick glucose test used by diabetics .

The new device, which is still under development, comprises SmartStrip, a disposable strip containing solid state Micro Electro Mechanical Sensors (MEMS) and a hand-held reader.

The disposable plastic test strips can accurately measure the user’s blood clotting time from a single drop of blood and the results are displayed on the reader – allowing doctors to adjust the dose if necessary.

It is the first medical diagnostic strip in the world to use these MEMS sensors as other devices on the market use optical analysis or chemical reactions. The MEMS technology confers an accuracy and robustness beyond the capability of those other technologies.

There are currently more than seven million people in Europe and the US using warfarin, the majority of whom need regular monitoring at GP surgeries or hospital clinics as even a change of diet can affect circulating levels of warfarin.

Microvisk chief executive John Curtis said the development of the device was creating significant interest.

He added: “Initial clinical trials at St Bartholomew’s Hospital have been very successful which helped us to attract initial investment into the company”.

“We have also had support from the Welsh Assembly Government which was extremely important and a vote of confidence in the company and our ability to develop this device.

“The intention is that the device can be used by doctors and nurses in clinics and general practices or in the home which will make life much easier for people on warfarin – providing accurate and swift results while reducing time and costs for the health service.

“The test is not intrusive and effectively removes the need for a laboratory.”

Microvisk, funded by a mixture of private and venture capitalist investors announced last month it has raised £2m by attracting three new investors. It has also received funding for research and development from the Assembly Government.

The company anticipates launching the device at the end of 2011 and will initially target the US and German markets where the government covers the costs of doctor’s office or home testing for all at-risk users of warfarin on a weekly basis.

Microvisk was formed in 2004 as a spin-out from Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, a National Research Council facility, where the technology was originally developed.

The patent was licensed to Microvisk which has invested more than £3m on further technical developments that are protected by two new patents.

Mr Curtis said there was also great potential to adapt the technology to measure changes to the viscosity of a range of other fluids like marine diesel and oil exploration lubricants which would be of value in a range of industry sectors.

Microvisk which employs nine people, moved to its new base which has a custom-built laboratory, on the St Asaph Business Park in 2008 .

Lesley Griffiths, Deputy Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills, who visited Microvisk this week, said healthcare and bioscience was a key sector in Wales worth around £1.3bn annually to the Welsh economy.

“The majority of companies in this sector invest significantly in research and development to bring new products and processes to the market and innovation is the key to their success and to the wider economy of Wales.

“The importance of investing in research and development cannot be overestimated and can help drive up the quality of Welsh jobs and encourage faster progress towards a knowledge-driven economy.

“I am pleased the Assembly Government has been able to support Microvisk and it’s excellent news to see the company making such headway in an area that has the potential to bring significant benefits to the health and welfare of literally millions of people.”

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