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近日,Holst中心和IMEC推出其下一代的柔性OLED(有机发光二极管)显示器的新研究方案,基于其成熟的技术跟踪记录,并在相关领域如有机氧化物晶体管和柔性OLED照明等现有合作研究中伙伴的良好基础,新方案的主要目标是建立一个经济可伸的路线,以及大批量的柔性有源矩阵 OLED显示器的制造。共享程序与其合作者将汇集来自整价值链的解决方案,如高分辨率,低功耗,大面积,灵活性和重量轻等。

最先进的 OLED显示器小巧并且使用灵便,应用在智能手机和平板电脑中,它们的特点与传统的LCD由OLED像素发出只在激活时更加激烈的黑色形成强烈的反差。此外,OLED具有更快的响应时间,消除图像的滞后性。同时,基于配置文件OLED的功率消耗更低,相比传统的LCD能够提供更好的对比度和可视角度。OLED在设计上和较少的组件相比LCD也简单得多,并在大量的程序中降低成本。

The ambition of the new program is work towards flexible, high-resolution OLED displays. The program will tackle the individual challenges towards the next-generation of OLED displays: a mechanically flexible encapsulation film and TFT backplane; and printed, high-efficiency OLEDs. New materials and processes that allow for cheaper production, better quality, lower power, more robustness and more flexibility will be developed. Moreover, the design of the drivers, pixel circuits and TFT backplane matrix will be reconsidered as increasing display area influences the amount of pixels-per-inch or the refresh rates. Finally the program scope includes the development of new manufacturing equipment such as fine patterning equipment for backplanes and tools for integrated roll-to-roll manufacturing.?

Gerwin Gelinck (Holst Centre), Program Manager of the OLED Display Program: ” Holst Centre and its partners continuously look for new application domains for the generic flexible electronic technologies that have been developed. This ensures our research stays tangible, application-oriented and relevant for industry and society. Flexible displays represent an enormous economic and technical opportunity for flat panel manufacturers and its supply chain. As such they are seen as an attractive landing place for many new technologies. Flexible displays are therefore becoming a top priority research effort for many companies worldwide, including many of our current industrial partners.”?

Paul Heremans (imec), Program Manager of the OLED Display Program: “With this program in mind, we already have been working more and more towards integrating separate building blocks and have realized OLED displays using both organic and metal oxide TFT backplanes. Thin, plastic substrates were used, and the displays were fully encapsulated using our state-of-the-art barrier technology. Part of this was done with other research institutes in a European project called FLAME, but we could really pull this off because of intense collaboration with some of our industrial partners. We will demonstrate some of these display prototypes in 2012.”


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