恩智浦半导体推业界最小双晶体管DFN10100' title='恩智浦半导体推业界最小双晶体管DFN10100' style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" />
元器件交易网讯 10月30日消息,据外媒Electronicsweekly报道,恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors N.V.)今日宣布推出最小尺寸单、双芯片封装双晶体管DFN1010,采用可用的1.1mm x 1mm x 0.37mm DFN塑料SMD最小封装;扩大了其超小型分立式薄型无引脚封装DFN1006B-3 (SOT883B)的晶体管产品阵容。
DFN1010的低饱和电压范围为12V至80V,可处理高达3.2A的峰值电流,并具有高至1kV的超安全 ESD 保护。MOSFET具有低至34mohm的极低RDS(on)值。
恩智浦半导体的双极性小信号晶体管产品营销经理Joachim Stange表示:“在这样一个小塑料包内实现如此高峰值电流和极低RDS(on)值是前所未有的,这就节省了宝贵的PCB空间,取代SOT23成为新标准。”
DFN1010有两种封装版本:单芯片 DFN1010D的3(SOT1215)封装、双芯片 DFN1010B-6(SOT1216)封装。(元器件交易网龙燕 编译)
NXP Semiconductors has introduced its smallest transistors in a 1.1mm x 1mm x 0.37mm low-profile DFN (discrete flat no-leads) package.
The range includes mosfets with RDS(on) values down to 34mohm, as well as low saturation and general purpose transistors that boost current capabilities up to 3.2A.
Voltage range is 12V to 80V and ESD protection of 1kV.
“Achieving this high value for drain and collector current in such a small plastic package is unprecedented,” claimed Joachim Stange, product manager, transistors, NXP Semiconductors.
There are two package versions: the single-die DFN1010D-3 (SOT1215) package with a power dissipation capability of 1W comes with the special feature of tin-plated, solderable side pads. These side pads meet strict automotive requirements by offering the advantage of optical soldering inspection, as well as a better quality of solder connection compared to conventional leadless packages.
The dual-die package DFN1010B-6 (SOT1216) with the 1.1-mm² footprint is the smallest package available for dual transistors.
The products in DFN1010 can replace many WL-CSP devices, as well as larger DFN and standard leaded SMD packages such as SOT23 which is eight times the size.