霍尔推无刷直流电机技术 不必斩波稳定
无刷直流电机技术 不必斩波稳定0' title='霍尔推无刷直流电机技术 不必斩波稳定0' />
元器件交易网讯 11月18日消息,据外媒 Electronicsweekly报道,霍尔(Honeywell)宣布开发出新传感器集成电路技术,简化了无刷直流电机的运作,从而不再使用霍尔元件上的斩波器稳定作用,最终提供清晰的输出信号。
- 灵敏度较高
电机技术 不必斩波稳定1' title='霍尔推无刷直流电机技术 不必斩波稳定1' style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" />
此前,公司已推出高灵敏度双极锁存数字霍尔效应传感器集成电路SS360NT/360ST/460S,是由永磁体或者电磁体提供的磁场进行操作,其磁灵敏度一般高达 30 G(最大灵敏度为 55 G),可对变换的南北极作出响应。其中,SS360NT 通过北极开启,SS360ST 和 SS460S 通过南极开启。
-高灵敏度:30 G(最大灵敏度为 55 G)
-可接受从3 Vdc 到24 Vdc 的任何直流电源电压
-在整个-40°C至150°C [-40°F 至 302°F]的温度范围内稳定输出
SS360NT/SS360ST以小型 SOT-23 表面安装封装形式提供,SS460S则以小型TO92表面安装封装形式提供。这些产品以卷带和卷盘(每卷 3000 个)的包装形式供货。
(元器件交易网龙燕 译)
Honeywell sensor simplifies brushless motor design
Honeywell has developed sensor technology for brushless DC motors that does not need chopper stabilisation.
At its heart is a quad Hall element and proprietary programming resulting in “a sensitive and stable sensor across a range of temperatures that are required in different sectors such as robotics, portable medical equipment and HVAC technologies and appliances”, said Honeywell. “Initially designers may be cautious of using a sensor that does not have chopper stabilisation, but not only does the new technology overcome chopper stabilisation drawbacks, it also brings faster response time, repeatability, improved jitter performance and no additional electric noise generation over a range of temperatures.”
The firm has produced a paper that compares its chopper-less sensing with perceived rivals.
Called SS360NT/360ST/460S, the devices are designed to respond to alternating north and south poles.
SS360NT is turned on by a north pole, while the SS360ST and SS460S are turned on by a south pole.
Magnetic sensitivity is 30G typical (55G max).
Rise and fall times are 1.5us.
They offer reverse supply protection, deliver a stable output over -40 to 150°C, and accept any dc supply voltage from 3-24V.
The two 360s are in SOT23 while the 460 is in a flat TO92 package.