Google map不稀奇 Google Naps才有趣!
Google Naps。(图/摘自网路)
这时候你需要的是「谷歌大神」(Google map),喔不,是「谷歌打盹」(Google Naps)!
谷歌打盹?你没看错,这个名叫Google Naps的网站是以谷歌地图(Google map)为基础,然后在上面标示出各个适合打盹小憩的地点,不过这可不是谷歌公司的新产品,而是由一群荷兰搞怪创意者发想出来的玩笑作品,一开始当然只是提供给荷兰的民众使用,但是该网站意外受到欢迎,目前已经累积了英国、美国、中国、印尼、巴西等地的资料。
但是基本上这个网站使用的是Google map的资料,这是一种侵权行为,因此他们也写了一封公开信给谷歌的两位创办人,表示这是个拙劣的模仿,只是个玩笑,并非有意侵权或伤害Google公司,更请谷歌不要把他们告上法庭,因为他们的户头里只有区区几百欧元;如果谷歌人造访荷兰,随时可以在他们的沙发上小憩,同时还能奉上咖啡和点心。
Dear Sergey & Larry (and other Googlers)
Hello, please don't be mad this is just a joke, a parody. We don't mean to damage your brand or anything, we just want to bring a smile on the faces of Google fans. So please don't take this to court, we only have a few hundred Euros in the bank. And we also don't want to go to jail because we're too busy with other things at the moment. But whenever you are in the Netherlands you can have a nap on our couch if you want, just email us. We can also make coffee and bake eggs if you like that (for a small price).
编按:Sergey Brin和Larry Page是Google公司的共同创办人。