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[导读]LED驱动器采用可编程片上系统(PSoC)技术,具有最好比的功率控制器和开关器件,可以替代传统的MCU,系统IC和大量的分立器件,并集成了1A 2MHz FET,滞后控制器,电流检测放大器和PrISM/PWM调制器,能容易创建照明应用的电源片

LED驱动器采用可编程片上系统(PSoC)技术,具有最好比的功率控制器和开关器件,可以替代传统的MCU,系统IC和大量的分立器件,并集成了1A 2MHz FET,滞后控制器,电流检测放大器和PrISM/PWM调制器,能容易创建照明应用的电源片上系统解决方案.主要用在舞台LED照明,建筑物LED照明,通用LED照明,汽车和新能源汽车LED照明等.本文介绍了PowerPSoC系列主要特性,架构和逻辑方框图,多种RGGB色彩混合的LED照明框图,以及CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入门套件主要特性,CY3268 PowerPSoC 板方框图,电路图和PCB布局图.

The PowerPSoC family (CY8CLED04D01, CY8CLED04D02, CY8CLED04G01, CY8CLED03D01, CY8CLED03D02, CY8CLED03G01,CY8CLED02D01, CY8CLED01D01) incorporates programmable system-on-chip technology with the best in class power electronics controllers and switching devices to create easy to use power-system-on-chip solutions for lighting applications.

All PowerPSoC family devices are designed to replace traditional MCUs, system ICs, and the numerous discrete components that surround them. PowerPSoC devices feature high performance power electronics including 1 ampere 2 MHz power FETs, hysteretic controllers, current sense amplifiers, and PrISM/PWM modulators to create a complete power electronics solution for LED power management.


■ Integrated power peripherals

❐ Four internal 32 V low side N-Channel power FETs

• RDS(ON)– 0.5  for 1.0 A devices

• Up to 2 MHz configurable switching frequency

❐ Four hysteretic controllers

• Independently programmable upper and lower thresholds

• Programmable minimum ON/OFF timers

❐ Four low side gate drivers with programmable drive strength

❐ Four precision high side current sense amplifiers

❐ Three 16-bit LED dimming modulators: PrISM, DMM, and PWM

❐ Six fast response (100 ns) voltage comparators

❐ Six 8-bit reference DACs

❐ Built-in switching regulator eliminates external 5 V supply

❐ Multiple topologies including floating load buck, floating load buck-boost, and boost

■ M8C CPU core

❐ Processor speeds up to 24 MHz

■ Advanced peripherals (PSoC® Blocks)

❐ Capacitive sensing application capability

❐ DMX512 interface

❐ I2C master or slave

❐ Full-duplex UARTs

❐ Multiple SPI masters or slaves

❐ Integrated temperature sensor

❐ Up to 12-bit ADCs

❐ 6 to 12-bit incremental ADCs

❐ Up to 9-bit DACs

❐ Programmable gain amplifiers

❐ Programmable filters and comparators

❐ 8 to 32-bit timers and counters

❐ Complex peripherals by combining blocks

❐ Configurable to all GPIO pins

■ Programmable pin configurations

❐ 25 mA sink, 10 mA source on all GPIO and function pins

❐ Pull-up, pull-down, high Z, strong, or open drain drive modes on all GPIO and function pins

❐ Up to 10 analog inputs on GPIO

❐ Two 30 mA analog outputs on GPIO

❐ Configurable interrupt on all GPIO

■ Flexible on-chip memory

❐ 16 K flash program storage 50,000 erase / write cycles

❐ 1 K SRAM data storage

❐ In-system serial programming (ISSP)

❐ Partial flash updates

❐ Flexible protection modes

❐ EEPROM emulation in flash

■ Complete development tools

❐ Free development software (PSoC Designer™)

❐ Full-featured, in-circuit emulator (ICE) and programmer

❐ Full-speed emulation

❐ Complex breakpoint structure

❐ 128 KB trace memory

PowerPSoC CY8CLED0xx0x系列应用:

❐ Stage LED lighting

❐ Architectural LED lighting

❐ General purpose LED lighting

❐ Automotive and emergency vehicle LED lighting

❐ Landscape LED lighting

❐ Display LED lighting

❐ Effects LED lighting

❐ Signage LED lighting


❐ CY8CLED04D0x

• Four internal FETs with 0.5 A and 1.0 A options

• Four external gate drivers

❐ CY8CLED04G01

• Four external gate drivers

❐ CY8CLED03D0x

• Three internal FETs with 0.5 A and 1.0 A options

• Three external gate drivers

❐ CY8CLED03G01

• Three external gate drivers

❐ CY8CLED02D01

• Two 1.0 A internal FETs

• Two external gate drivers

❐ CY8CLED01D01

• One 1.0 A internal FET

• One external gate driver

■ 56-pin QFN package


图2.CY8CLED04G01 逻辑方框图




CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入门套件

The CY3268 PowerPSoC™ Lighting Starter Kit demonstrates the ability of PowerPSoC to create scalable LED management solutions. The PowerPSoC family of devices features high performance power electronics including 1A, 32V rated power FETs, hysteretic controllers, current sense amplifiers, and PrISM™ technology to create a complete solution for LED power management. PowerPSoC also features Cypress’ CapSense technology that can be used to design differentiated lighting applications.

This kit also enables designers to test and evaluate preliminary designs using PowerPSoC and understand the design flow using PSoC Designer™ software for the PowerPSoC device family.

CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入门套件包括:

CY3268 PowerPSoC board

12 V, 1 A power supply

Two jumper shunts

Five PowerPSoC CY8CLED04D01-56LTXI samples

Kit CD, which includes:

PSoC Designer

PSoC Programmer

Demo firmware

Design files

Related documents

CY3268 PowerPSoC 照明入门套件主要特性:

Kit default firmware demonstrates HB-LED control with intelligent color mixing using PowerPSoC

Debug capability provided by the PowerPSoC On Chip Debugger (OCD) device and RJ-45 jack that connects to CY3215DK ICE Cube Emulation Kit (sold separately)

Access to all Function I/O pins of PowerPSoC for additional design and debug capability Cypress CapSense technology with 5 on-board capsense buttons

图6. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板和元件分布图

图7. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板方框图

图8. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板电路图(1)

图9. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板电路图(2)

图10. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板电路图(3)

图11. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板电路图(4)

CY3268 PowerPSoC 板材料清单(BOM):

图12. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板PCB布局图:顶层

图13. CY3268 PowerPSoC 板PCB布局图:底层


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