电路图中DS1878是集成数字LDD接口的SFP+控制器,可以控制和监视SFF, SFP和SFP+ 模块所有的功能,包括所有的SFF-8472功能,支持基于VCSEL, DFB和EML的解决方案。工作电压为+2.85V 到+5.5V,主要用在SFF, SFP和SFP+收发
Abstract: The MAX6954/MAX6955 LED display drivers allow users to drive both individual LED digits and shared segment pins. This application note details what steps must be taken to map the digits prop
Abstract: The MAX6954/MAX6955 LED display drivers allow users to drive both individual LED digits and shared segment pins. This application note details what steps must be taken to map the digits prop
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