近日,晶体材料国家重点实验室陶绪堂教授领导的课题组在有机场效应晶体管(Organic Field Effect Transistors,OFET)研究方面取得重要进展。相关成果以“Three-Dimensional Charge Transport in Organic Semicon
6通道自动逆向行驶灯顺序迪斯科 6 Channel Auto Reverse Sequential Disco Running LightsFrom 230 V AC a DC supply of + 5 V is obtained. The power supply is given to the other blocks. The pulse generator
6通道自动逆向行驶灯顺序迪斯科 6 Channel Auto Reverse Sequential Disco Running LightsFrom 230 V AC a DC supply of + 5 V is obtained. The power supply is given to the other blocks. The pulse generator
Both transistors are low noise types. In the original circuit, I used BC650C which is an ultra low noise device. These transistors are now hard to find but BC109C are a good replacement. The circuit