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[导读]Linx公司的SG系列GPS接收器模块采用SiRFstar III芯片组,是集成了LNA和SAW滤波器的高性能GPS接收器,即使在浓密的树林或城市高楼大厦间也具有极好的灵敏度(-159dBm).SG系列的功耗很低(46mW),有200,000多个高效的相关器

Linx公司的SG系列GPS接收器模块采用SiRFstar III芯片组,是集成了LNA和SAW滤波器的高性能GPS接收器,即使在浓密的树林或城市高楼大厦间也具有极好的灵敏度(-159dBm).SG系列的功耗很低(46mW),有200,000多个高效的相关器,能同时在一秒内收集和跟踪20个卫星,广泛应用在导航和定位与跟踪,安全/防盗,测量,后勤和舰队管理等.本文介绍了SG系列GPS接收器模块的主要特性,和MCU连接框图以及应用电路图。

The SG Series GPS receiver module is a selfcontained high-performance GPS receiver with an on-board LNA and SAW filter. Based on the SiRFstar III chipset, it provides exceptional sensitivity, even in dense foliage and urban canyons. The module’s very low power consumption helps maximize runtimes in battery powered applications. With over 200,000 effective correlators, the SG Series receiver can acquire and track up to 20 satellites simultaneously in just seconds, even at the lowest signal levels.

Housed in a compact reflow-compatible SMD package, the receiver requires no programming or additional RF components (except an antenna) to form a complete GPS solution. These features, along with the module’s standard NMEA data output, make the SG Series easy to integrate, even by engineers without previous RF or GPS experience.


SiRF Star III chipset

200,000+ correlators

Low power consumption (46mW)

High sensitivity (-159dBm)

20 channels

Fast TTFF at low signal levels

Battery-backed SRAM

No programming necessary

No external RF components needed (except an antenna)

No production tuning

Direct serial interface

Power down feature

Compact surface-mount package

Manual or reflow compatible

RoHS compliant


Positioning and Navigation

Location and Tracking




Fleet Management







The Linx SG Series RF modules offer a simple, efficient, and cost-effective method of adding GPS capabilities to any product. The Master Development System is intended to give a designer all the tools necessary to correctly incorporate the SG Series into an end product. The development boards themselves serve several important functions:

Rapid Module Evaluation - The boards allow the performance of the Linx SG Series modules to be evaluated quickly in a user’s environment.

Design Benchmark - During the design process of your product, the boards provide a known benchmark against which the performance of your own design may be judged.

Application Development - An on-board prototyping area is provided to allow a designer to develop applications directly on the development board. All signal lines are available on a header for easy connection to the designer’s circuits. The Master Development System includes 1 assembled development board, 2 SG Series receivers*, one SH Series antenna, 4 AAA batteries, and full documentation.




1. Four AAA Batteries

2. DC Power Jack

3. Power Switch

4. Voltage Regulator

5. USB Interface Module

6. Prototype Area

7. Break-Out Header

8. SG Series Receiver Daughter Board

9. CR2032 Backup Battery (on the back)

10. OLED Display

11. OLED Display Power Switch



图4. SG系列GPS模块应用电路图

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