Specifications 5 LED VU Meter kit is based on LB1409 IC from SANYO, which will indicates the volume level of the audio signal it sensesSUPPLY 12V DC @ 50mA PR1 REF SET PR2 AUDIO LEVEL SET Sc
低成本自动应急灯电路,Low cost/Automatic Emergency LightDescription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a white-LED-based emergency light that o
低成本自动应急灯电路,Low cost/Automatic Emergency LightDescription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a white-LED-based emergency light that o
据LEDs Magazine报导,美国能源部(Department of Energy)近日公布报告中预估,2010~2030年间在家户更为广泛换装固态照明(SSL)设备后,将可省下1,488 terawatt-hours,依照现今能源价格估算,约可省下1,200亿美元的费
衰落发光二极管电路--Fading LEDsTwo strips of LEDs fading in a complementary manner9V Battery-operated portable unit Parts: R1,R2_______________4K7 1/4W Resistors R3_________________22K 1/4W Resi
舞蹈发光二极管电路--Dancing LEDsParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R3__________47K 1/4W Resistors R4______________1K 1/4W Resistor R5,R6,R7______100K 1/4W Resistors R8____________8
自行车回安全光栅电路-Bicycle back Safety LightFlashing 13 LED unit, 3V supplyAlso suitable for jogger/walkersParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R9,R10_____100K 1/4W Resistors R3-R8,R11-R
音量指示器--Sound Level IndicatorThis project uses an LM3915 bar-graph IC driving two sets of ten LEDs for a 30dB range. The circuit is unique because it has an additional range of 20dB provided by an
衰落发光二极管电路--Fading LEDsTwo strips of LEDs fading in a complementary manner9V Battery-operated portable unit Parts: R1,R2_______________4K7 1/4W Resistors R3_________________22K 1/4W Resi
舞蹈发光二极管电路--Dancing LEDsParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R3__________47K 1/4W Resistors R4______________1K 1/4W Resistor R5,R6,R7______100K 1/4W Resistors R8____________8
自行车回安全光栅电路-Bicycle back Safety LightFlashing 13 LED unit, 3V supplyAlso suitable for jogger/walkersParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R9,R10_____100K 1/4W Resistors R3-R8,R11-R
音量指示器--Sound Level IndicatorThis project uses an LM3915 bar-graph IC driving two sets of ten LEDs for a 30dB range. The circuit is unique because it has an additional range of 20dB provided by an
音量指示器--Sound Level IndicatorThis project uses an LM3915 bar-graph IC driving two sets of ten LEDs for a 30dB range. The circuit is unique because it has an additional range of 20dB provided by an
台湾LED芯片厂商: 晶元光电(Epistar)简称:ES、(联诠、元坤,连勇,国联),广镓光电(Huga),新世纪(Genesis Photonics),华上(Arima Optoel ectronics)简称:AOC,泰谷光电(Tekcore),奇力,钜新,光宏,晶发,视创
玉晶光电在中国发表基于 LUXEON REBEL 功率型LED 的道路照明应用解决方案中国上海 — 飞利浦Lumileds 和玉晶光电公司 (GSEO) 今天宣布,GSEO 正在与LUXEON Rebel 合作,开发可在全中国道路上应用新型固态照明及路灯模
台湾《经济日报》周二援引未具名行业消息人士的话称,芯片代工龙头台积电正在就收购飞利浦电子旗下子公司飞利浦流明(Philips Lumileds Lighting Co.)一事进行洽谈,此举旨在增强台积电发光二极管(LED)业务。报导称,