基本TTL反相器不难改变成为多输入端的与非门 。它的主要特点是在电路的输入端采用了多发射极的BJT ,如下图所示。器件中的每一个发射极能各自独立地形成正向偏置的发射结 ,并可促使BJT进人放大或饱和区。两个或多个发射极可以并联地构成一大面积的组合发射极。
测量现实世界现象的许多传感器都以改变电阻的形式表现其输出:热敏电阻为温度敏感型电阻,应变计随作用力而改变电阻大小,诸如此类。系统设计人员面对的挑战是如何精确地测量电阻。图 1 简易分压器图 1 显示的是您如
新日本无线现开发完成了GaAs MMIC NJG1139UA2,并已开始供货了。该产品是设有旁通电路的宽带低噪音放大器,最适合于便携式数字电视。近年来,随着便携式设备和汽车导航仪等可接收地面数字广播的产品越来越多,为了提
发光二极管驱逐舰(霹雳游侠灯)电路-LED Chaser (Knight Rider lights)I don't know why, but people like blinking lights. You see LED chasers everywhere, in TV shows (Knight Rider), movies, and store window
LED或灯序电路--LEDs or Lamps SequencerParts: R1______________1K5 1/4W Resistor R2____________680R 1/4W Resistor (Optional, see text)C1_____________47΅F 25V Electrolytic CapacitorD1_________
亮度控制小灯电路--Brightness Control for small LampsSwitching operated 1.5V bulbs Portable unit, 3V battery supply Parts: P1________________470K Linear PotentiometerR1_________________10K 1/4W R
衰落发光二极管电路--Fading LEDsTwo strips of LEDs fading in a complementary manner9V Battery-operated portable unit Parts: R1,R2_______________4K7 1/4W Resistors R3_________________22K 1/4W Resi
舞蹈发光二极管电路--Dancing LEDsParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R3__________47K 1/4W Resistors R4______________1K 1/4W Resistor R5,R6,R7______100K 1/4W Resistors R8____________8
假若在半双工数据传输网络中监视串行数据,在把交织在一起的双向字符串分离之前,必须知道数据的传输方向。 在这种场合,如果协议尚未知,或者实时检测任何同步字符太复杂以至不可行,一种解决办法是用硬件确定数
电池供电小夜灯电路--Battery-powered Night Lamp 1,R2___________1M 1/4W Resistors R3_____________47K 1/4W Resistor (optional: see Notes) R4____________Photo resistor (any type, optional: see Notes
礼貌灯电路--Courtesy Light15 seconds delayed switch-offA good idea for bedroom lamps Parts: R1____________470R 1/2W Resistor R2____________100K 1/4W Resistor R3______________1M5 1/4W Resistor
双线灯闪光灯电路--Two-wire Lamp FlasherIdeal to operate 3 to 24V DC existing on-circuit lampsLED operation is also possible Parts: R1______________6K8 1/4W Resistor R2____________270K 1/4W Resist
自行车回安全光栅电路-Bicycle back Safety LightFlashing 13 LED unit, 3V supplyAlso suitable for jogger/walkersParts: R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor R2,R9,R10_____100K 1/4W Resistors R3-R8,R11-R
220V发光灯电路--220 Volts Flashing LampsEspecially designed for Christmas tree lampsReplaces old thermally-activated switchesParts: R1___________100K 1/4W Resistor R2,R5__________1K 1/4W Resistor
圆顶灯调光器电路--Dome Lamp DimmerThere are times when a little light inside the car would greatly assist one of the passengers but the dome light is too bright for safe driving. The dimmer circuit in
简单伺服测试仪电路--Simple Servo Testerclick here to download schematic in pdfThis is a simple servo tester which will comprehensively test the capabilities of almost any modern servo. It has two push
可调频闪灯电路--Adjustable Strobe LightThis one uses a much more powerful "horse shoe" Xenon tube which produces more light. You can also control the flash rate up to about 20Hz. Do not look