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晶闸管SCR触发驱动器及电路为触发SCR开通,门极脉冲电流必须有足够大的幅度和持续时间,以及尽可能短的电流上升时间。采用脉冲变压器(PTR)和晶体管放大器(TRA)的驱动器如右图所示。 左图为SCR的一个简单光电隔离
单象限降压型电路T是全控元件(GTR,GTO,MOSFET,IGBT),当 时,T导通 D:续流二极管 L0和C0组成LPF 二.工作原理 当 时,控制信号使得T导通,D截止,向L0充磁,向C0充电 当
0 引 言 无线传感器网络就是一种RGS系统(远程地面传感器系统),它是一种利用多种传感器作为综合情报采集元件,进行数据融合、编码等处理后,发送给指挥中心,处理还原后在监控平台显示出来的探测系统。它集传
分立元件组成的烙铁电路Wattage of load10W18W25W35W65W80WValue of R5 (in ohms)330180136 (68+68)1005644 (22+22)Wattage of R5 (in watts)01020204056.5 Usually a soldering iron takes a couple of minutes
高低压切断与时间延迟关闭电路,High And Low Voltage Cut Off With Time Delay OverviewThe power line fluctuations and cut-offs cause damages to electrical appliances connected to the line. It is more
红外灯调光器电路,IR Light DimmerThis is a device for adjusting lights in your home with any type of remote controller (tv, dvd, video,). Today we are using many devices in our homes to improve quality
直流伺服电动机驱动器电路,DC servo motor driverSpecifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DC Servo Motor Driver kit, designed using MC33030
5个灯的LED闪光灯驱动器电路,5 Lamp/LED Flash DriverGeneral Description of the following circuit. This circuit is based around HT–2050 manufactured by HOLTEK semiconductors. It is a low cost, low-power
低成本自动应急灯电路,Low cost/Automatic Emergency LightDescription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a white-LED-based emergency light that o
锯齿波电压发生器 在一些控制应用中,需要有一个线性增长的电压(锯齿波)来控制检测过程、移动记录笔或移动电子束等。对此可通过在DAC0832的输出端接运算放大器,由运算放大器产生锯齿波来实现,其电路连接图如图9
分立元件组成的烙铁电路Wattage of load10W18W25W35W65W80WValue of R5 (in ohms)330180136 (68+68)1005644 (22+22)Wattage of R5 (in watts)01020204056.5 Usually a soldering iron takes a couple of minutes
高低压切断与时间延迟关闭电路,High And Low Voltage Cut Off With Time Delay OverviewThe power line fluctuations and cut-offs cause damages to electrical appliances connected to the line. It is more
直流伺服电动机驱动器电路,DC servo motor driverSpecifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DC Servo Motor Driver kit, designed using MC33030