TDK-EPC为TDK集团分公司,现推出EPCOS(爱普科斯) MotorCap™ DM系列高度紧凑型电动机运行电容器。该系列产品可节省大量空间,应用了新型封装技术,其中电容器芯子的封装直接采用注塑成型,从而明显减小了电容器
Remy International宣布,其被 ZAP指定为新的电动机供应商。今天,ZAP 的创始人 Gary Starr 与 Remy ELECTRIC MOTORS 的总经理 Kevin Quinn 在今年于中国深圳举行的世界电动车会议暨展览会上向广大参展者和参与者宣布
松下公司日前宣布,他们将在位于美国夏洛特市的Charlotte Motor Speedway赛车场,建造一块全球最大的高清显示屏幕,面积超过1400平方米,几乎是一间中型超市的大小。 该屏幕将位于夏洛特赛车场的2号弯与3号弯中间,
MotorSolve能计算出混合电动机车设计的精确结果,并且保持模板化设计环境和结果驱动求解的简便性。 无刷直流电机,特别是内嵌永磁体类型通常用于混合电动机车的应用。 种类:电动机和发电机-直流 软件: MotorS
简单的直流电机PWM调速电路 Simple DC motor PWM speed controlThe 555 is ubiquitous and can be used as simple PWM speed controlCircuit Explaination: The 555 Ic is wired as an astable and the frequency i
步进电机控制器电路 Stepper Motor ControllerI found this circuit in my files. I don't know where it came from, but it looks like I photocopied it from somewhere years ago. I have been told that it came
简单的直流电机PWM调速电路 Simple DC motor PWM speed controlThe 555 is ubiquitous and can be used as simple PWM speed controlCircuit Explaination: The 555 Ic is wired as an astable and the frequency i
步进电机控制器电路 Stepper Motor ControllerI found this circuit in my files. I don't know where it came from, but it looks like I photocopied it from somewhere years ago. I have been told that it came
全触摸的MOTOROI手机终于要在美国出现了,预计时间是三月份,今天一份FCC文档已经确认了这一消息。FCC数据显示,这款手机支持1,700/2,100MHz 3G频段,这一频段目前被T-Mobile持有,因此可以确认运营商,它内置Androi
北京时间1月18日消息,据国外媒体报道,摩托罗拉副总裁约翰·格杰德(John Gherghetta)周一表示,该公司今年将向中国市场推出5至6款智能手机,其中一款将很快上市。格杰德说,“我们上月已在中国发布了两
单极性步进电机控制器电路--Unipolar Stepper Motor ControllerThis is a very good integrated circuit. There is no need for any external glue logic to drive the circuit, there is only 2 pins to drive the
单极性步进电机控制器电路--Unipolar Stepper Motor ControllerThis is a very good integrated circuit. There is no need for any external glue logic to drive the circuit, there is only 2 pins to drive the
Me and a friend are both trying to build a millipede. Because of obvious reasons, the millipede is NOT going to have 1000 feet!!! Instead, it's going to have 16 pager motors as feet. It will also have
The MathWorks 近日宣布硅谷电动汽车制造商 Tesla Motors 采用 The MathWorks 的基于模型的设计工具,以开发 2008 款 Tesla Roadster,它是世界第一辆电动跑车。 为了在有限的预算和时间内满足苛刻的技术目标,Tesl
The MathWorks 近日宣布硅谷电动汽车制造商 Tesla Motors 采用 The MathWorks 的基于模型的设计工具,以开发 2008 款 Tesla Roadster,它是世界第一辆电动跑车。为了在有限的预算和时间内满足苛刻的技术目标,Tesla
新闻事件: 阿尔卡特朗讯准备出售旗下德国电动机厂商Dunkermotoren GmbH事件影响: 阿尔卡特朗讯正试图通过削减开支来实现今年的收支平衡据国外媒体今日报道,三名知情人士透露,阿尔卡特朗讯准备出售旗下德国