全球领先的测试、测量和监测仪器提供商泰克公司日前宣布,其解决方案助力祥硕科技公司(ASMedia Technology Corp.)将最新的ASM1051 超高速USB 3.0-SATA桥接芯片更快推向市场,同时抢占市场先机。 随着计算机行业发展推
Author(s): Paul Carter - Cochlear Ltd. Industry: Medical Products: LabVIEW, PXI/CompactPCI, TestStand The Challenge: 使用商业可用的技术建立混合信号的自动化测试系统,以减少新一代植入式助听器的成
Author(s): David Hakey - Medtronic, Inc. Patrick J. Ryan - Medtronic, Inc. Johnny Maynes - Medtronic, Inc. Industry: Electronics, Biotechnology Products: NI-VISA, LabVIEW, FPGA Module, PXI-7811R
Author(s): Jeff C. Jensen - UC Berkeley Edward A. Lee - UC Berkeley Sanjit Seshia - UC Berkeley Industry: Education, Research, Mechatronics Products: Statechart Module, Embedded Module for ARM Mi
Author(s): David Rausen - Solix Biofuels Industry: Biotechnology, Research, Energy/Power Products: DIAdem, Compact FieldPoint, LabVIEW, Wireless Sensor Network, Control Design and Simulation Module
Author(s): Matt Antonelli - Animage, LLC Ivan Charamisinau - Animage, LLC James Carver - JAMCO Engineering Industry: Medical, Biotechnology Products: Real-Time Module, CompactRIO, LabVIEW, Sing
Author(s): G. M. Saggiani - University of Bologna, School of Engineering Forlì R. Pretolani - University of Bologna, School of Engineering Forlì B. Teodorani - University of Bologna, School of E
Author(s): Jonas Neubert - Imperial College London Industry: Research Products: CompactRIO, FPGA Module, Real-Time Module The Challenge: 为已经丢失控制器的20岁工业机器人替换新的控制器,并对其进
Author(s): Abhi Mittal - University of Manchester Industry: Research, Automotive Products: Multisim, CompactRIO, LabVIEW The Challenge: 实现一套面向曼彻斯特大学方程式学生单座位赛车的便携式的、可
Author(s): Christopher G. Atwood - Tristan Technologies, Inc. Industry: Research, Biotechnology Products: PXI/CompactPCI, LabVIEW The Challenge: 开发非侵入式的磁振成像系统,在时间和空间上绘制婴儿
Author(s): Dr. Thomas M.. Hemmerling - Department of Anesthesiology, McGill University Industry: Biotechnology, Research, Medical, Education Products: LabVIEW The Challenge: 将全身麻醉的控制过程
0 引言 依据项目要求,研制一种用于测试飞机内部电磁环境相关信号和电源线上产生的干扰发射电平电磁辐射的设备。低频模拟信号光传输设备采用光电转换技术,加上相应的控制逻辑,与频谱分析仪结合使用,可精确测
横河电机(中国)北京研发中心根据中国客户的需求,研发开发出了针对温升测试应用的专用软件——测试管理软件(Testing Management Software 简称TingMS)。该软件产品是为使用横河电机记录仪、数据采集仪器产品进行